1  2020-05-17 by Nom_Chompy


What's the deal with that forum exactly? Ive ended up there after a google search. Are they just pathetic people, or is there anything else? What's even the official aim of the site?

Mostly local forums, the general discussion forums though are a use net level trove of petty drama.

I think the official aim is for either locals or people relocating to read up on whatever state and city they are living in or moving to. Lots of home buying and renovation threads, nightlife, etc. Hence the name. Lots of boomers there.

These are levels of pathetic I never thought possible.

TLDR pajeet gets cuckā‚¬d.

City-data is a place where racists go to "warn" each other about black people in different cities. I've been suspended from there multiple time from their political section, because their mod, Ibginnie, lets racist stuff go. But if you go against anything racist, conservative, or white...they like selectively delete your comments and threads. I just go suspended again today because i made a thread about recent times black people held "stop the violence" marches address black-on-black crime. Low and behold, they delete the thread after i compiled about 40 articles with pictures of black marches. The funny thing is the white people there bring up "how come black people don't get mad about black on black crime" in every thread in their political section.


But yeah, IBginnie, can be googled people have complained about that mod for year all over the internet. lol