r/JoeRogan has been an absolute goldmine for drama over the past month or so.

1  2020-05-18 by hungarianmeatslammer


Unpopular opinion: Joe needs to move to a shitty little town and live in a studio apartment for a year to get back in touch with reality.

Imagine thinking your multi-millionaire, DMT sodden, cyber-centurion was grounded to begin with.

Imagine thinking that living in a shitty town in a shitty studio apartment will make you pro-lockdown lmao

When he was just a quake playing straight edge multimillionaire he was a little more grounde

Jokes on them, out here in the sticks, the anti lockdown sentiment is even stronger than in the city

As a midwest ruralcel literally nothing has changed except we can't get haircuts in town anymore

As a Southern ruralcel: we can get haircuts now!!!! :)

my barber does haricuts still, just keeps his open sign off and does them by appointment. Feels almost like a drug deal

Yeah I need to get one for my new job. It's like buying drugs now. Looking at craigslist barbers I have to ask, is this guy cool or not, is he going to rob me and beat me up, is he a cop, etc.

HAH! gotchu niggr! youre under arrest for getting a haircut!


but now its in America...

many such cases...

very sad...

Just got a haircut, it was nice.

Just got a haircut, it was nice.


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In touch with reality? "Shitty little towns" almost never have studio apartments and this poster is probably thinking they would go for $1,500/m instead of like $400.

Ah yes, reality, where everyone lives alone in a studio apartment playing animal crossing.

ok but the idea to make it a reality TV show would be funny. Joe would probably join the Alt right day 2.

Another sub with some redeeming entertainment or conversation value becomes an orange man bad groupthink sub. This site is more allergic to independent viewpoints than twitter. Even /r/drama had to put in those keyword filters just to not get banned.

lol /r/JoeRogan never had a redeeming value

it was a mix of /r/politics and /r/conspiracy since forever, the only fun part about it is how the people there have a zero clue about any topics they talked about, but were still super passionate, just like Rogan lol

the only thing that changed there is that people there are now outraged even more than they used to be

"They have zero clue about any topics they talked about"

I'm sure if they sounded like a bunch of NPC's you would have found them well informed.

a bunch of NPC's you would have found them well informed

lol look at who is saying that, a /r/politics Bernard fan, did I hurt your feelings?

aside from that, even /r/drama is more informed and smarter sub than /r/JoeRogan, that's not a compliment

did I hurt your feelings?

I can't feel anything here in the sensory deprivation tank that is your mothers twat

So you're saying you have a very tiny dinklage? Most people aren't proud of that


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They brigaded this one too to prove it isn't being brigaded or something I guess.

Covid doomers being a total cult on reddit and the r/politics and sjw crowds growing even stronger on this site with less no no subs to take over as AHS tells admins what to ban means I guess another at once interesting sub to browse is a goner.

I am all for uneducated, illiterate inbred m*yo rednecks to sacrifice themselves first for herd immunities sake. I don't know why anyone would be against that.

It really only kills boomers and I'm okay with that if they are.

Literally all they cry about is COVID. Go outside, get it, party your ass off for 2 weeks and then live your life. Pretty simple

Going outside is literally the equivalent of being a serial killer

I'm kind of sick of having to call my nana anyway. We have nothing to talk about. She needs to go.

I'm bored now and willing to pretend there's no more covid if everyone else does.

Same, states are reopening and cases are declining. It's more or less over if you ask me.

It's also is turning out to not be as bad as it was suggested it could be in the beginning. Thankfully. You wouldn't know that if you spend any time on Reddit though. According to /r/Iowa, reopening will literally kill everyone and everything you love...even though less than 1000 people have died, 85% have been over 65, and cases have gone down.

Sorry Tucker, you have to go back to work now and don't get it sit at home in your pajamas on a Zoom call all day.

A lot of those cases were probably just people who tested positive dying of something completely unrelated too.

It never even began for covidcels.

All the IDW subs have been turned into debate subs long time ago, and over time only the most dedicated (NEETs) persisted and keep commenting, so no wonder they're all descending into garbage. Actually nah, they've been garbage for a long time, now they're just worse.

/r/daverubin is slightly better than the rest, it's filled with r-slurs but it's essentially a lolcow sub, just populated by chapos and neolibs. That is ew but still better than a debate sub.

aren't they more amused by the fact that he just agrees on COVID with whoever comes to his show, regardless if he agreed to something different just a day ago?

maybe you are the one who takes this shit too seriously

Unironic Biden supporting Neolib serious poster. You're just mad Joe said he would vote from Dr*mpf over Dementia Daddy. Now go back to getting into slapfights with Stupidpol posters, you dork.


Good post though


hey, I like to argue with ret*rds on the internet 😠 that includes /r/stupidpol and this sub with this thread in particular

and since when do I even care what Rogan has to say one way or the other? you are an unironic fanboy of his that and this post is nothing but a C*PE

Because you unironically spend all day trying to recruit leftists from Stupidpol to vote for Dementia Daddy(p*do Corn Pop one) and than run back to your Neolib hugbox to complain about how dumb they are when they don't agree with you. Anyway just the fact that you seriouspost in Neolib and Stupidpol makes me want to throw up.

Dementia Daddy is a little ambiguous this presidential race.

I added (p*do Corn Pop one) to make it more obvious. Thanks!!✌


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well they are the dumbest sub on reddit (and the competition is fierce), I stand by that 100%, if you are preoccupied with reading my /r/stupidpol comments, you can see the pattern that I am mostly trying to piss them off

and yes I seriouspost on reddit, but not on this sub, you are though

Stop trying to sniff my hair, please, throneshitter.


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They're not "amused" at anything.

That's basically what he does. He is a chameleon who adopts the viewpoint of whatever guest he is speaking to. I suspect he is doing as a subtle antisocial "fuck you" and that he secretly hates his job. Or he could just be the ultimate interviewer knowing he can get people to open up more if he pretends like he slavishly agrees with them.


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Turning a sub into an insufferable no-go zone is a surprisingly strong tactic.

Kinda struggling to get a read on this one tbh. On one hand, Rogan does seem pretty out of touch. From what I hear, his biggest quarantine complaint is that he can't go to comedy clubs and expensive steakhouses, which is definitely an out of touch millionaire thing to openly complain about. On the other hand, the people complaining about him seem to basically be Chapos, or at least arrPolitics posters, which automatically makes them a thousand times more insufferable and annoying than anyone who's actually a human. But counterpoint to that, I hear Rogan is a manlet, and I hate to side with any manlet.

Tough one. I think it's clear that when Californians get in a slapfight online, we all lose.

I think it mainly comes from the Reddit groupthink assuming Rogan is "their guy" and then getting pissed when he defies the false identity that they created.

Anyone who's not an r-slur and who has regularly listened to his podcast will know he is more conservative than he lets on, he just doesn't say it outright. You have to read between the lines (redditors don't have this capacity). The tactic works for Rogan because he can live in L.A. without getting shit on constantly, but also appeal to the rest of America.

This is basically like reddit meeting their hero and realizing he's not the progressive that they painted him to be.


Garbage comedian and professional half asser who’s only claim to notoriety is talking about DMT and spinal decompression twice a week.

Oh my god, the guy I love for being a contrarian cunt is still a contrarian cunt when I agree with the mainstream narrative, how could this happen?

I’m sure at least 10% of that sub dropped out to do DMT and replaced their education with the podcast

Covid is fake AF

I am out all day everyday dealing with people no six ft. BS, Dealing with cash money, all kinds of germ filled surfaces.

Healthy as a god damn horse. Y’all are being played.