Brave dramanaut(tard) posts on oldschoolcool. Commies sëethe, zero points 72 comments

1  2020-05-18 by Pepe_von_Habsburg


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Hilarious how they think people under communist rule actually advocate for their government.

The failure is so-called communist governments merely proves they weren’t actually communist. QED.

Communism gives everyone according to their need, it's right in the definition. If a country doesn't do that then it's not Communism, full stop.

© Getty Images

Most obvious bait in the world and they still bleat out paragraphs upon paragraphs.

Internet commies are the biggest pseuds on the internet and are more clueless than the lolbertarians they despise.

fax 📠

Can’t believe they never got it. The mods have finally Yalled the thread.

For free?

Tbh it’s not obvious if it has been y’alled. I can’t remove my upvote but people can still comment

Hoes mad because people nobody wants an iPhone communist to run their lives hahaha

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Brave dramanaut(tard) posts on olds... -,

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Anyone who actually supports communism needs to get their brains examined, preferably with 9 grams of lead

Sources: Am from eastern europe. No seriously I'm willing to pay for your one way ticket to north korea to see all that yourself

Is anyone actually entertained by communist drama at this point? Every single thread contains the same stuff:

"Chapos mad!"

"I'm from eastern europe, I hate communists and communism so much I'll say something about how I wish they were dead!"

"Commies should go to North Korea!"

Plus some jokes and stories about the society union people have been telling since the literal 1950s and everyone on earth has heard

I'm not a communist but how can anyone be possibly entertained by this over and over and over

What’s hilarious is c0mmies always fall under the same umbrella - sheltered dumbasses who are socially repressed because they spent too much time online and vidya gaymin to build any social skills.

The result is a huge online presence that doesn’t correlate at all to real life. They literally don’t possess the skills to collaborate with people in person. And communism being one of the few ideologies that requires a metric fuck ton of blood, you can rest assured you’ll either (1) never see it attempted or (2) get the chance to beat the fuck out of some skinnyfat NEETs when they come out of their caves

oh boy is this the subreddit where fascists chat?

You pmed me lol


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Watching the top 15 comments jerk each other off about "ch4pos mad" and "r3tards on reddit objecting to this" when the highest voted comment that could possibly be interpreted as being against the message has single digit upvotes is pretty amazing.

Can't believe i got fucked by libel bot for the first time for quoting someone.

For the first few hours it was at 0 points with all top comments shitting on it

Probably posted during peak eurotrash time, amateur mistake.

Posted yesterday afternoon, East America time

Exactly, you have the jobless Europoors who are gonna be awake late and the American commies who aren't gonna be at work mid afternoon, the perfect storm.

Best possible outcome for commie seethe, even got a related post on r/shitliberalssay

Emboldened by the wide success of the "shit on centrists campaign" which proved itself in 2016, terminally online Reddit lefties address the true evil: ideologically impure people who would dare to vote in line with them.

How is "shit liberals say" not a rightoid sub...

Because reddit commies have single digit iqs.

/r/IAmVerySmart cringe right here


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You missed the point of that subreddit

Oof you’re hopeless my guy. I’m starting to think you’re only 15 and lack an understanding of how the real world works

You think that 1984 is pro-leftism. Reddit commies are literally brain dead.

1984 is anti-authoritarian regardless of if it’s from the left or the right.

Lol it’s cute you think i’m communist. Brainwashed pawns lack an understanding of politics.

You’re about as wasteful and uneducated as your genocide-defending grandfather

If your not a Communist what are you then? Cuz you’re a leftist who hates liberals, which screams commie (or tankie) to me.

Also you are dumber than a bag of rocks for thinking that that is actually my grandfather.


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lmao what libel or harassment. the right and their fantasies

You can’t say certain bad words here

They're right though commies are the dumbest, most cringey users of this site.

What is cringe about wanting people to be free? I'd love to see a conservative defend "their" views for once.

wanting people to be free

A rightoid would think the same about his ideology 🤔


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