GCJ brigades lastofus2 with WORDS WORDS WORDS for insinuating lolbertarians made the game

1  2020-05-18 by Corporal-Hicks


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. GCJ brigades lastofus2 with WORDS W... - archive.org, archive.today

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Dare I say sentient?


Maybe the internet has destroyed your attention span? Try picking up a book every once in a while.

GCJ itself, in its entirety, should be linked to Drama for the sheer amount of seethe they have regarding the receival of the game.

Anyone who cares this much about g*ymes, progressive or regressive, oughta be taken on a govt. funded camping trip and re-educated

They clearly need their priorities corrected

Says the one with true communism as a flair šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

Why do you think I was so quick to suggest camping? c:

If anything, this is just an example of how vidjas corrupt, and need regulation and restriction

Nah it needs no regulation, we simply need to r/banvideogames

Helicopter ride*

No one wants to read all them paragraphs

Littered with /uj /rj

Every sub aside from drama who tries to parody something will just end up in full constant meltdown 24/7.

What's worse is almost every circlejerk sub seems to end up filled with brainlet chapo types who seem to not realize they're lower on the totem pole of society than the people they're mocking.

They're the types to see some KiAtard seethe about some t-slur in video game and think the bad part is t-slurs are being shit on instead of the idiot caring about video games that much.


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I will only excuse longposting if it is a comorbidity of shitposting. That just creative writing.

But voluntarily writing an essay with a minimum word count? Leave it to someone with the alphabet people flair to treat reddit like an undergrad program.

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This is a new age of Sneed subs and I love it.

Formerly chuck subs

I gotta stop reading reddit. I'm almost done with FF7 remake and jfc I see so many SJW comments in the game. If I didn't read reddit, I'd have no idea wtf the character is talking about lmao

Can you be more specific? I mean yeah Barrett is a hippie eco terrorist n shit but it never really bugged me too much.

I think I was distracted by the thirsty girls tho

I'm pretty sure the one main gymnast is supposed to be a tranner, but there is the scene in the end of the auditioning chapter where Cloud is dancing with that guy who dressed him up like a girl where the guy says "You can be something something regardless of your gender." (forget the exact wording) It just hit me as SJW reddit type stuff and I admit it could have grabbed my attention more because I read too much reddit. lol

Like I said, it's probably because I read too much damn reddit that i see these things. Barrett was so damn annoying to me. He did mention "corporate greed" once but that one seemed in place for the storyline. The gender comment and that whole audition chapter just seemed strangely out of place for the entire story.

For what it's worth, pretty much all that was in the original game, minus the gender comment.

This meme kinda better when you know how Drake feels about underage girls


Ironically tons of them got upset at me for pointing this shit out. Didnā€™t realize the sub was filled to the brim with lolbertarians.


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