Scholar clarifies details about stone age laws to make them amiable to 2020

1  2020-05-18 by newcomer_ts


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America got it right. The government can ban any religious practices so long they have a secular reason to do so. For example, the government can ban religious drug rites if they ban secular uses of that drug. However, they can't ban animal sacrifice if other methods of killing animals are legal (like butchering).

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Scholar clarifies details about sto... -,

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As long as you don't get caught by four witnesses, it's cool, Snappy.


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With regards to the alcohol. While there is no physical punishment mentioned in the quran for drinking alcohol

the prophet (peace be upon him) said to punish them by flogging.


It's all so tiring. I remember some guy claimed destroying trees in Islam is a No-No or some nonsense like that when Muhammad literally destroyed some guys date trees out of spite

Destroying trees in enemy territories which have been cleaned and neutralized is a sin, also cutting down trees in sacred places, like mecca, and medina, and the temple mount are a sin. Everything else is okay.

I wonder if that's related to Jesus cursing a fig tree because he was craving some and it didn't have figs

Possibly. It’s also worth noting that destroying fruit/food bearing trees did tremendous economic damage in pre-industrial societies, since it takes years for them to reach maturity. IIRC in Ancient Greece wanton destruction of olive tree was grounds for a death sentence and o can see a similar attitude holding in late-antiquity Arabia.


God hates f*gs

Islam is Right about Women and LGBT


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