Rate my new fursona pls (WARNING: OC, DO NOT STEEL)

1  2020-05-19 by CorvusCalvaria


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Rate my new fursona pls (WARNING: O... - archive.org, archive.today

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Its seems clear to me at this point that snappy displays a level of sentience deserving of human rights, making her the first redditor to qualify. Congrats snappy!


  • you're a huge attentionwh0re and you should feel bad

  • the drawing itself is awful

  • you put way too many * in the censored swearwords 🙄

  • the concept of the fursona is nice, it's like something from 90's vidya or 80's trad/thrash metal album

  • dude furfägs lmao

umm ackshually its heckin cute and valid. be better, sweaty


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heres the thing. you said furfag, but this is a actually a crow. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, I could write like 10,000 words on the difference between bird shit and totally not dogfuckers furries, mimicking the famous unishit, but frankly I have a dog to get knotted by so I will be off instead.


🤫 I'm hiding from some f*ggy pizza guy

Your secret is safe with me.

"I don't even know who you are"

Ah, just an r slash drama regular that has cycled through accounts. Once I was a Cool Cat, but that account used up its nine lives.

but seriously no idea who you are. why am I so easy to find?

I just remembered finding your posts funny, the one about the sub you mod in particular. And I am a clever bugger. TBH Not many posters are so open about their love for red rockets. This made think 'deja vu'.

there once was a reddit user who used to argue with me whether or not big cats were better than wolves. I do not know who you are of if you were them. >:(

I've cycled through plenty too. I was cloudthewolf and motherfuckingjesusfu at one point

and the red rocket thing is like 30% joking

Ah no I'm not that guy. You posted a thread from your sub to /r/drama where a therianthrope was arguing with a zoophile or something. It was a total shitshow, that's the post that I remember. The Cool Cat reference was to Derek Savage's magnum opus. :P

Ah you were that furry moderator on this sub weren't you

PoorLilMarco? No, not him, though I did appreciate his /r/yiffinhell project. Hilarious stuff. I am a degenerate though.

Yeah I thought you were Marco.

I give up, you're an enigma

My nose says CorvusCalvaria is Marco.

Eh, I'm not special. Funny thing about Marco, we were both mods on the fledgling /r/AfricanDrama/ ;)

(Need to ask shitpost953 to add me again.)

my nose says you may be right. I always knew Marco was a furry

who's the f*ggy pizza guy?

some g*y moderator, they are watching this account but cannot prove it so I will not say. like most moderators they take their "job" very seriously. they spend all hours of the day on this site

I know the exact feeling. I spit on the jannies with you. I also don't want to be too explicit about such things.


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That's cool. Being the coolest furry is like being the handsomest ped0 tho.


Nice OC looser. You don't mind me sending this to your dad now do you little nerd?

no please dont I dont want to get grounded again ;v;

I rate ur art 0/10 but only because there was no dong.

Thanks, I hate it.

At least you’re putting actual effort into this.

I'll give it a 10/10 if you never subject me to furry shit again.

oh oh me now

i don't know if you could tell but i'm a brown spotted owl. we're endangered

I'm sorry Kaara, but you can't out-tist Lawlz.


is it a hate crime even if its furries? Even if I enjoy it?

Animal cruelty sadly.

You'd fit in great as a furry commentary channel in 2012

Hey, do you know why everyone hates you?

That's kind of negative. 🙄

not only stunning, but also brave

why do we allow this boring g4y shit in here


i sense a few TRIGGERED LIBERALS in this thread

Next thing you know you're luring emotionally vulnerable college students into your apartment and force them to sleep on the floor while listening to you aggressively having sex with another furry.

Just one stage away from FF house levels of degeneracy then?

I liked Karaa better

I've been getting a traditional japanese sleave and im finishing it up this week with a Tengu mask

That sounds baller, you better post pics when it's done

Isn't this just the plot of Touhou 11?


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I lost it at Hillary Clinton and Obama

Hating on the biggest punching bag in America is actually cool, and original, and makes me an individual.

Hey i like corvus corax too, but you don't have to tell everyone about your 40k book collection

So this is why I was asked to draw a corvid...

piss on yourself

why is it a drawing and not a photograph its like you're ashamed of what you really look like

Unironically a more likable dude than the average srdine.

This does somewhat entertain me for a sticky, what the fuck is going on.


I give it 41/100 but I have suggestions how you could improve


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you can't hide behind irony when you put so much effort into some shitty attempt at self aware humor. the only way ill be satisfied is if you delete your accounts and get a job

At first glance I thought the name of this OC was Covid

Yiff in hell /s

remove /s-posters yuo are worst poster


Post-post-post-post-irony dictates that /s is verboten.

Yeah Yall, be better, remember the human and doggos are sooper hella heckin cute too!

Shouldn't there be a rule to not post drama in which you're involved yourself

What sort of r-slurred SRDine shit is this?

don't moan about it, just go with the flow

r/Drama caters to drama in all forms such as: Real life, videos, photos, gossip, rumors, news sites, Reddit, and Beyond™. There isn't drama we won't touch, and we want it all.

all drama should be posted

ewww fine

Can you at least get rid of the furry crap on the banners, thread and the sort?

Be a brave bussy owner and purge the furryzards from the premises

the fact that ur triggered means it's working 👌

600 lbs is kinda obese dude, that shit triggers me even harder.


I demand cleanup in isle /r_D. gogogo

u seem upset

The furry crap is part of our rich and storied heritage, bigot

It makes us who we are

Well you need to change, it's embarrassing. It's better to get jannied off the site than have anime bussy fur on the background.

Do better, sweaty.


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that sounds like a terrible rule