Head SRDine and gender warrior Janus MRA/male feminist known as TiTrC fights back against the right wing CHUDs of r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates by reminding them to not believe all women. (And no one ever said otherwise)

1  2020-05-19 by menslib_is_alpha_af


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TiTCJ has some kind of getting dunked on fetish. What's a word for schadenfreude except it's you?


I don't understand why that sub exists in the first place.

Why does chapotraphouse2 exist? Or DeuxRAMA? OR Zweirama? Or (πŸ™„) circlebroke2? Because redditeurs are contrarian schmucks who need to carve out their own personal version of whatever r-slurred circle they run in.

How dare you compare Deux to those shithole subs

Deux is total garbage now.


I just want more drama. I guess I’ll get it when Deux is eventually banned.

Deux has been completely overrun by flairless rightoid agendaposters. The worthless mods refuse to do anything about it and the sub is likely on the short list of places to get y'alled eventually.

Nah you're part of the real problem. dramacels whining about muh agendaposts and no drama need to be removed.

Be the change you want to see in the world, r-slur.


Based on the relatively sensible people dunking on TiTs it looks like a place for lefties without (or at least with less of) the identity politics and implicit racism and sexism you find almost everywhere else. Which would explain why he’s so unbelievably upset.

Imagine being so mentally deficient that you get dunked on by r1ghtoids every day. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well I am very much a pariah to that part of town. Worse than the guy accused of rape. Because I dared to disbelieve women.

He's just playing the victim card to cover up his shitty rape abilities smh 🀦

Yes, I believe every word of that dude's MRA fever dreams.


It's weird how some of these guys are trying to convince themselves and everyone else that something everyone vividly remembers (or should) from less than two years ago never happened. The only rational explanation I can come up with to explain it is that the believe their own bullshit. These people who are saying "democrats didn't really do that" #believeallwomen #metoo stuff really seem to actually believe what they're saying. It's like some form of group psychosis. If these were rightoids somebody would be doing a paper on it.

Imagine if Tr*mp came out tomorrow and said "I love ill*gal imm*grants from M*xico, always have. They should all hop the border whenever they want." And the entire R*publican P*rty agreed that this had been their position all along, and that anyone that suggests otherwise was actually some kind of PSYOP. And all but one major m*dia outlet backed this claim, completely ignoring the things they had been saying just weeks prior.

P*litical hypocrisy is whatever, that happens all the time. But this is just... bizarre.

Another weird example of this is after the *BAMAGATE tweet there were articles titled Tr *mp back to familiar obsession.. Russia. Felt like I was going crazy when i read that. Like they were trying to convince us that he was the one with obsessed with Russia for the first three years of his administration?


The argument they're selling is that "believe all women" is a rightoid strawman of "believe women".

Even if its true, that's the most pedantic shit ever. I mean, if "believe women" means something distinct from "believe all women", then its their fault for peddling such a vague slogan.

"Believe women" apparently means "believe some unspecified, nonzero number of women" lol


As the OP over there, I can tell you the point was to make fun of that. It clearly happened and their attempt to play it off as a right wing conspiracy was absolutely idiotic, so I figured it should be posted about. Thats why I prefaced it with "Well aren't we flexible".

If you do want to see idiots who think it never happened though, this was posted without a sarcastic title on r politics

Even a broke clock yada yada yada...hes a deuche but 100% right about Bari Weiss and OP looks like a re-tar-d to anyone familiar with their type of j0urn@lism

Bari Weiss is kinda hot ngl

What'd she do? Her history just seems to have a bunch of leftoids seething about her.

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. Head SRDine and gender warrior Janu... - archive.org, archive.today

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user reports:
1: We're not right wing. We're not right wing. We're not right wing. We're not right wing.

Thinking that Muslims are right about women and that four witnesses thing in particular is not right-wing obviously.

Imagine believing Nazi lies. 🀭

I got beaten up for saying I didn't believe a woman

bottom text

Honestly this is the worst title I have seen in a while. Congratulations.
