patriots of /r/con have a struggle session after papa barr shatters their delusions.

1  2020-05-19 by professorshillphd


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Trmp tweeting "0BAMAGATE" is so far the funniest thing to come from this.

Serious question: What if D*ddy tweeted the n-slur? His tweets can't be deleted since they're a matter of public record, but would Twitter do anything about it?

Tr*mp is squandering his social media immunity on such r-slurred things as riling up his base and whining about lie-buruls, when he could be retweeting racist memes or shilling natural male enhancement or calling Ob*ma a jigaboo and getting away with it. Talk about wasted potential.

Maybe that's gonna be his power play right before the election.

"they let you do it"

Wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining as him using this in proper context.

The hot takes and spins from this one tweet alone would turn the earth into a star capable of preventing the heat death of the universe.

"I was in tears, shaking," she told the faculty. "It's not up to the rest of the class to decide whether my feelings are valid."

February 1999

The more things change...

This one has always irked me, because it's honestly a great word but illiterates have such a strong gut reaction to it that you'll never be able to communicate your thought effectively if you use it. On the other hand, I now want to find a way to discuss onagers in public, because I could probably create a huge scene if I let the right person hear me.

Niggard exists as a noun.

The best part of the conservative victimhood complex in America is they seemingly have a memory that only extends back a few months at most.

Many conservatives in there are pretending only republicans get investigated and have, from what I can tell, forgotten the 10 benghazi investigations they fired off into Clinton with the explicit intent to fish for dirt for 2016.

The entire email scandal was born out of that, they failed 9 times, and finally got something on the 10th investigation they could manufacture a scandal out of.

This isn't even getting into the time they tried to launch a criminal investigation of Bill Clinton because he used the white house database to mail holiday cards out.

Either way, we have a real problem on our hands. The GOP just keeps feeding these people bullshit and they can't understand why the GOP can never deliver. Rather than do some self-reflection, they just get more and more radical and keep declaring that they weren't lied to, but everything is rigged against them.

There was a guy in that post claiming we need to arrest Obama to "heal the nation" as if arresting a former president with an over 60% approval rating for imaginary crimes is going to lead to anything other than the full-on weaponization of the justice system the next time Democrats are in power.

I was invited to this private conservative fb group (which coincidentally ended up being one of the many astroturfing pages created regarding the lockdown) and a ton of people were criticizing Evers for allegedly golfing despite actively updating the state on stay at home orders and the like. I asked what they thought about Trümp actually golfing during the pandemic and their reasoning was "He's the president so he's probably really stressed out so it's ok."

Something similar happened recently when someone vandalized a state sign by removing Evers' name from the sign. They're more or less screeching "NOT MY GOVERNOR" and failing to see the hypocrisy of mocking people that did the same thing when Trümp was elected. Both parties are equally disabled imo but damn what a shitshow.

It’s almost like horseshoe law is real.


Can't wait til you cry again and storm off.


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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door.

as if arresting a former president with an over 60% approval rating for imaginary crimes is going to lead to anything other than the full-on weaponization of the justice system the next time Democrats are in power.

I fully support the idea of every president getting thrown in prison as soon as they leave the post.

That's what they do in South Korea and they seem to be the only government that actually has its shit together. 🤔

This is a comment I left there which miraculously didn't get removed but it shows how dumb these guys are for saying "Republicans will drain the swamp".

Republicans tried to make it permanent back in 2015. Even with the most recent "Freedom Act" it was Mitch McConell leading the charge. Naming it the Freedom Act is some insane Orwellian double speak.

Unless Congress takes action, most provisions of the Patriot Act will expire on June 1. In response, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing a bill to make the controversial surveillance law permanent, and without any significant revisions. That bill is backed by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and most Senate Republicans.

An amendment proposed by McConnell would, for the first time ever, let the FBI collect records on Americans' web-browsing and search histories without a warrant.

The proposal has drawn backlash from a bipartisan group of senators, as well as from both liberal and conservative civil-liberties groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans for Prosperity.

The left may have supported it but most of these attacks on our liberty come from Republicans.




I always forget how r-slurred rightoids are because the r-slurred leftoids dramatically outnumber them on this site

You can find me making fun of both of them, but it's not really possible to compare the two.

American lefties are standard political partisans, Republicans are a full blown proto-fascist movement at this point.

What is proto fascist

The movements that form into a full blown fascist movement.

It tends to involve conservatives creating an opening during times of gridlock and adopting fascist rhetoric in an effort to co-opt the movement to make political gains.

These movements tend to be primarily based on extreme social conservatism.

For example, one of the things that sent German conservatives over the edge was a clinic that provided sex education getting public funding. And this was also happening while the left and right fought it out over abortion rights.

Sound familiar?

As long as it’s may0s getting gassed then sign me up

I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. patriots of /r/con have a struggle ... -,*

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