Libertarian stand firm defending his country strong hero in /r/nba

4  2020-05-19 by cfbWORKING


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All I know is that Lebron is the goat

LeBron is definitely not the goat. Wilt Chamberlain is so easily the goat. They had to change the rules so he wouldn't be so dominant.

What rules did they change? I dont watch basketball because if I wanted to watch Black guys hump each other I wouldnt try to hide it under the guise of sport.

They created the 3 sec in the paint rule just for him. He was insane, both the scoring and assist leader at the same time.


Wilt Chamberlain isn’t even real

Not anymore. He died from being too much of a monster.

Wilt Chamberlain? I think you mean Winston Churchill.

...You didn't know he's still alive and living indisguise? Oh, honey...

Choked in the finals, Russell better

MJ will forever be the GOAT. Lelbron couldn't even make the fucking playoffs last year. He got 3-0'd by the memechuckers. Don't get me wrong, Lelbron is still top 15 players all time and probably the best of the 2010s, but nowhere near the GOAT.

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Libertarian stand firm defending hi... -,

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Lmao love the combination of Wikipedia warriors, redpill apologists and "can we just talk basketball plz". Very dank drama.

Malone is a republican so there is that too which I think drives their desire to relitagate something from that happened in the 1970s. 70s summerfield probably looked closer to 1860 than 2019

He is from as bum fuck as bum fuck gets. So far North Louisiana that its basically south Arkansas and south Arkansas is the biggest shithole in the country IMO. Sans the small black Mississippi Delta communities that are society completely forgot about, which summerfield essentially is.

I like Malone, I think the situation back then looks a lot different from today. Hell even Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin and it was considered legal back then. I guarantee that all those people that are condemning Malone will start tapping their foot as soon as Great Balls of Fire comes on.

I grew up a rockets fan and loathed Malone growing up. So I am not really defending him

Just saying shit hole delta region in 1970s is a lot different of place 2020 reddit. Hell shit hole 2020 delta is way different than 2020 reddit

Jerry lee is also northish Louisiana baw, so maybe it’s something with that shit hole

The 2020 world is a different place than 2020 reddit. They're either all teenagers/college kids, basically the same thing, or social shut-ins who have no idea how to form human connections. No one on this website understands that life gets messy, it's only YTA or NTA, zero room for growth or understanding.


> libertarian stands strong

> deletes account after receiving a mild amount of downvotes

The same sub that thinks China is capitalist. NBA has attracted lots of beta males in recent years, I can only speculate as to why