/r/nyc takes the ted-pill

5  2020-05-19 by Coonass_alt


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He's a very intelligent person but he is off the mark. The whole "industrial societey is causing misery" schtik is misdirected. The better idealogical target would be late stage capitalism and economic suppression.

I fucking hate c*mmunists so god damn much.

Anything and everything bad that has ever happened, including in communist countries, is due to capitalism or mismanagement.

communism bad

well no because well um it was because of um capitalism

It's somehow completely lost on them that there are more political/economic ideologies than just communism and capitalism

Good morning I hate cummunists.

Most of the people bitching about "late stage capitalism" just want their mindless capitalist consumption but without any consequences.

The term has lost all meaning and is now used to whine about microtransations in gayming.

Post-modernism is a key gripe of conservatives though...

I wonder if they realize his manifesto was a MASSIVE criticism of "leftist" ideologies. He even includes a line that basically says the struggle of minorities doesn't matter: "... the revolutionaries should emphasize that although minorities do suffer more or less disadvantage, this disadvantage is of peripheral significance".

Communism is good


HAH, love the schizo poster defending Uncle Ted in the comments.

Aside from a campaign of deadly bombings, name one thing Ted did wrong.

He stole our hearts 😢

Be a dumb luddite bitch who shits in the woods

Uncle Ted didn't poop. He transcended biology.

Hi Ms. Rowling!

How do you feel about the /#readanotherbook movement?

I haven't transitioned yet, so I'd prefer you call me Mr. Rowling until I do pls and kthx


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lol owned


I know, that sucks, you'd rather he'd have shat in your mouth.

he got caught

He didn't succeed.

Jury's out on that one. There's still time for him to be pardoned and win in 2024.

Ted/McAfee 2024.

Dude Ted seethed harder than anyone has ever seethed before or since

Oh, fuk, I came to comment about a m0ron who claims writing books makes you resistant to C!A mind games... but then I find a ret0 at home...

I like how he's a literal terrorist and the best negative descriptor they can come up with for him is "asshole." If the only two categories into which you classify people are "asshole" and "good," then you deserve to receive a suspicious package with your name on the return address.

It's actually concerning how many redditors nowadays seem to think that violence, and now literal slaughter of innocents, is justified if it gets you woke points. The end does not justify the means.


Terrorism is good imo

It's only terrorism if you lose.

I mean this guy was a real jerk.

Let me guess a tRUMPEr under the guise of a bernie bro? You probably have an alt for posting all that nasty shit.

Its all over for Bernie bros now 🤭 they are officially trumpets

The CIA shoved acid up my bum and I turned out just fine

Ted really gives a bad name to the rest of us CIA gerbils.

Did they use the rubber hose and make you call your handlers Mommy and Daddy though?

Not enough acid then.

He’s still writing books from federal prison. This one from 2016 is super good. He describes it as the result of a lifetime of intensive thought and research.




No words

society 😔😔😔

riseup.net best email service

Ted Kaczynski is a confirmed g*mer now


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you mail-bomb society, yet you participate in it

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. /r/nyc takes the ted-pill - archive.org, archive.today

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Gonna pour one out tonight for my boy

Look up TempleOS. I mean you're just completely, 100% wrong

I mean... Yeah this poster had a fine point.

McVeigh > Ted

Fite me

While McVeigh arguably had at least one immediate motivator that was better than Ted's, ultimately he was another r*ghtoid obsessed with BBCs. On top of that, he did not write anything worth reading.

Ted is the true centrist choice, if only for his shitting on the entire political compass.

McVeigh managed to ass blast the federal government causing libertarians to collectively coom. Ted unleashed some oversized M80s on a couple dorks.

Ted didn't murder any pre schoolers

Yeah he lacks commitment

I thought you were pro choice


Being against homosexuality and pc culture doesnt disqualify him from the left

lol naw I'm going to disagree. What does that even mean? What group are you describing? Some break away posadist group that's a CIA op?

Nazbol, Cuban Marxist-Leninists, Soviet Marxist-Leninists, anti-liberal idpol leftists... Kurdish and Turkish leftists, Syrian leftists, Iranian leftists... I could go on forever

Do you know anyone from any of those groups? Lol, none of them are against homosexuality.




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Of course there is a Ted Cult, the alt right movement and especially people like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux use a lot of the same ideas and language

Fuck you and your Jewish industrial society. Cut the power lines.

He also sent pipe bombs through the mail to strangers. Let’s not pretend he wasn’t an asshole.

nah he was hella based

I don’t know what that means.

Average millennial vs zoomer conversation