"Deadly attack at Toronto erotic spa was 1ncel terrorism, police allege"

3  2020-05-19 by WarSanchez


a terrorism charge had been laid

Yet the terrorist himself couldn't get laid.

Almost 50 deaths in Canada and the United States have been linked to incels, leading to calls to treat their actions as a form of domestic terrorism.

There is no way that we are NOT living in a simulation at this point.

Probably counts suicides


Did Trudeau start counting Islamic terror as inkwell terror?

Men who can't get laid are unironically ticking time bombs. I can bet that 75% of all suicide bombers, mass shooters, and religious fundamentalist terrorists are virgins

This post being 67% upvoted says all you need to know about kisslesscels

Classic r/choosingbeggars like yeah man you're ugly as fuck why would an attractive girl want to be with you, you don't want a super ugly woman

But I'm nice you stupid bitch


drama is an inc*l breeding ground. This is why banning the underage is necessary.

This post is 96% upvoted, dummy.

A whole day later.

I have a fan club that likes to try to bury my shit early.

Imagine how many lives would be saved if we had mandated government sponsored prostitution.



Daily reminder that the most prescient movie of all time dealt with this issue before most of you z-slurs were born.

I'll have you know this movie is actually a documentary about my life in 2000. They really twisted the facts about me. For example, I was preparing for the Y2K apocalypse, not agoraphobic. But then I just got really attached to the bunker lifestyle.

Would not change a thing. Inkwells are reacting to not having the perceived status that comes from the ability to get laid, not the act of getting laid itself.


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the boy was only 17, at that point it's more about managing expectations

17 and a virgin lol.

Especially when they're unemployed, a large population of 20-30 something unemployed men who can't get laid is basically a guarantee shit is about to get real.

Let me again link the concept of the youth bulge. When young men, who are plentiful, get no respect; financial stability; sex; or otherwise any kind of status, shit goes down. Truly the gender of peace.

I remember reading somewhere that that's part of why monogamy started catching on when it did. One chad with with 8 wives equates to seven angsty, lonely men who definitely aren't going to be setting any tribal patriotism records anytime soon.

There's also a theory, along that vein, about how the "wolves" of humanity got bred out. The dogs set up communities with laws (we'll call them that) and those who could absolutely not follow those laws were executed. Being dead has obvious consequences about procreation and survival of the sexiest.

Was never an issue when the honorable profession of whaling was still allowed. Now we have whales roaming the ocean, wreaking havoc left, right and center- and a generation of young men doing the same by land.

This ancient balance must be allowed to continue, for the future of both species.

hmm very interesting



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no u

Shut up, I'm calling for the abolition of 19th amendment and it's consequences here.

Reverse-misandrycels OUT OUT OUT.


...I'm hungry. Any decent recommendations for a snack?

I'm fond of carrots.

Based and mythnight visionpilled. Thanks!


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How do you suggest we fix this problem?


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Of course they’re virgins, pre marital sex is a sin

At around noon on Monday, Feb. 24, the owner said she heard screams coming from a back room. When she went to see what was happening, a man stabbed her with a machete.

He thought his martial arts were strong until he ran into the madam. 🤭

Unironically this is a good move. I've been saying for the last couple years that if you actually look at bodycounts, inc*ls are killing way more people than wh*te and bl*ck r*cists combined. You can laugh all you want about how you're such a chad and you bullied these t*rds in high school, but it doesn't make you any less dead when they steal their mom's credit cards to buy a truck and run you over.

Tbf I thought you were complimenting his machete skills at first.

Not raising an eyebrow to that made me think that I've spent too much time on imageboards lol



Like they read any further than the reports lol

cannot be named because he is a minor


'Erotic massage parlour' 🤔🤔🤔

You have girlfriend Viet-nam?

How are erotic spas bros

I have this Thai ""massage"" parlor near my place, what's the secret sign ?

They'll flip you on your back and tell you the menu. No need for auti$m0 signals

Wrap a 20 dollar bill around your penis with a rubber band. Flip over real quick and let it happen.


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I'm pretty sure they just ask you if you want a handy/sex.

Should I ask Quora to have a reliable answer ?

My cousin from Switzerland went into one of theses. Didn't ask didn't tell, I though he was just happy to get a massage 💆

Watch that one leaf's video on it. Phillipsolo I think. He goes to a bunch and some offer sex acts out of the blue, iirc some of the girls didn't even know how to do an actual massage.

Didn't found your video but Vice is already trying to guilt trip me : https://youtu.be/UP4YHTNsW4A

There are like three on the same highway out here. Whoever this “Thai” is their chain is expanding.

They're basically brothels.

Just ask for a happy ending. ezpz

Minority report but it's just a list of guys who haven't fucked in a while/ever.


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. "Deadly attack at Toronto erotic sp... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Alek Minassian, the driver who killed 10 pedestrians and injured more than a dozen others in the Yonge Street van attack, told a Toronto police officer soon after his arrest that he had hoped to spark an “ιncel uprising.”

Ιnc*ls rise up.

Here's the interrogation video of the Armenicеl, guy literally lived on the internet, he talks about "Chаds and Stаcys", "Bеta uprising", "Pеpе the Frog the mascot of 4chаn", and much more mеmе shit to the senior detective who doesn't understands his аutistic internet creole language lmao.