r/deuxrama c😮pe over the fact that antifastonetoss made their first actually funny comic 😂😂

1  2020-05-20 by artemis_m_oswald


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I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. r/deuxrama c😮pe over the fact that ... - archive.org, archive.today

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What the fuck happened to Deuxrama? Something needs to be done about the MDEgenerates.


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and for the most part are friendly people

So I take it you've never met a throng of god's own chosen Hasidics

Completely true and they get very upset when you point this out.

The sub's on a fast-track to getting quarantined or banned and the mods are just letting it happened.

we do plenty imo and there's no reason for it to be banned (outside admins' unpredictability)

we remove all site-wide rule breaking content and even curate the sub a bit, just not trying to be too heavy handed on the latter. mostly attempt to prevent whatever latest horde of fugees from re-purposing deux into where they came from

maybe we'll make a sticky to see what users want or something, because i hear so much bitching about the sub i'm getting kinda sick of it lol

I don't mean to be one of the bitches. I thoroughly enjoy the sub - dare I say - even its moderation, ignoring the MDEfugees. But, holy shit, the MDEfugees are everywhere.

There's only so many times users can call people f@gs and reetards, whether ironically or not, before the sub gets pegged as alt-right and banned.

no worries i wasn't trying to call you out as one

yeah they've been a bit much lately, most recent before them it was a wave of incel posters. the worst fugees are the ones that don't even try to be funny. but yes getting pegged as that isn't good for deux - not just because it's untrue, but it's like a word of mouth self-fulfilling prophecy, AHS effect on a smaller distributed scale.

i actually have a lot to say about all these things but i don't want to do a jannie rant haha

i hate to seriouspost but have you considered some sort of minimum effort requirements for content? i feel like a big problem over there is that people just spam images all day and that drives out anything that takes more work to consume, to the point that even the actual "drama" is just screenposts

Actually it's really refreshing to know that you too are fed up with the same shit I see. Good luck going forward. I'll keep reporting the bad stuff if it helps keep the sub alive.

Mod me and I’ll take care of them


I'll chip in for your patreon. 😊

I mean, surely you wouldn't be doing this for free?

Sounds good. For $500 a month you can have the gratification that you did a thing.

I think deux has gotten better the past week or so; before that it was literally 95% jogga memes


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actually funny comic

Where? Was it linked in the comments?


That sub is such a strange phenomenon. If they hate him so much why do they use his work? How come they aren’t capable of being funny? Why is it still going even though one week should’ve been enough to realize it was a bad idea?

I support extralegal actions against N azis. Extralegal means Super legal

ok dat was kinda funny
