Twitter user calls out the blatant racism of posting news

1  2020-05-20 by unrulyfarmhand


Lolberals: “we’re on the right side of history”

Also Lolberals: defends grandma murder

It speaks to their inability to pick and choose their battles that they will unironically try to make a stand here.

What's worse is they're not even defending grandma murder, but rather they're complaining about the reporting of grandma murder because of the bad optics to their cause.

Uncle Theodore is right about the lef*oid mentality.

Did Breaking911 verify the quality of those cookies? Sounds like fake news to me.

A responding officer arrived shortly after the stabbing and ordered Lewis out of Cook’s car. When Lewis attempted to rush the officer with the knife, he was shot twice, fatally.


See sometimes cop kill the people properly.

if only he'd gotten himself shot before he stabbed this nice old grandma smh.


Jogger fragility lmao

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Twitter user calls out the blatant ... -,

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67 prior arrests and the guy looks like he's 35. lmao

That looks like a nice old granny like my old granny, so this makes me sad. What a pos.

Talking to a cop friend of mine was crazy hearing there really are two distinct classes of people with regard to arrests. Normal people interact with cops like once a year, and it’s typically a traffic stop. These people see cops multiple times a week - they’ll be a witness Monday, a victim Wednesday, a suspect Thursday, and a victim again on Friday. Apparently you’ll bring up a rap sheet and it’s either 1 hit or 50, there’s no in-between.

They make all their revenues from those normal people though.

Despite making up only 13% of traffic stops, normal people account for over 50% of ticket revenue

Are those two classes cyclists and joggers?

67 arrests

I would consider a criminal that keeps getting caught to be a failure.

At what point do they realize they suck at their career and should just give up?


This level of self-awareness requires an IQ this criminal lacks

It was actually reported on a more moderate news site that she took it up the bum and ran a phone sex business from her basement.

Photos can make anyone look innocent or guilty.


He was probably out jogging


He's 38 according to the article so you aren't far off.

ha yeah I read that after I posted. I was going for 40 cuz black don't crack but went for 35.

the guy was just out for a jog and she attacked him, falling on her own knife

The jogger meme is the greatest thing to happen since dindu nuffin

It truly is. I pass by a construction area with unfinshed houses as I run in the morning and I think of it every time. "Maybe I'll go peruse the construction site and find a lovely hammer."

One thing I learned from this entire debacle is that there are apparently a ton of people who love to take leisure strolls through empty houses under construction.

I did that a LOT when I was a kid (like 6-12). We lived in a gated community that was constantly expanding, so there were lots of empty construction sites for kids to play around in.

I did that too growing up. Then when I actually worked in construction we fucking hated kids doing this. Mainly because you’d be worried some kid would come in and trip and end up impaling himself on a piece of rebar


Rebarcaps, Nigga

it is p fun tbh 😳

I do, but I'm Azn on the west coast so they'll probably assume I'm looking to buy the place.

the skittles and arizona tea thing never really began so now its jogging

Arizona Watermelon drink, they don't report it because, you know why

Flavor is just melted jolly rancher

My 8-year-old self would have loved it. This is because I used to be black.

I used to be black.


It's a joke. You think I'm gonna say something obvious about kids liking jolly ranchers but then I say something completely absurd. Can't land them all I guess.

That with skittles is a popular lean mix


I'm still on team voter/vota

i’m out of the loop did that dude end up deserving to be shot or something

Everybody has their bias regarding the situation so I'd suggest looking into without relying other's opinion, but I totally think he deserved to be shot because he tried running up to someone with a freaking shotgun, but should not have been hunted down for a citizen's arrest. However, despite the poor judgement by the McMichaels to pursue someone who has an extensive history of aggressive behavior and breaking the law rather than just simply dial 9-1-1, I do not believe they should be found guilty of murder.

If they were to be found guilty, it should be voluntary manslaughter so I think the GBI fucked up by hastily charging the McMichael's due to the pressure of the public outcry.

WTF, reddit Drama taking the first objective stand Ive seen here.

I thought the same about the cop lady in Texas, but it seems that some states define murder as involving rather less premeditation than my own.

This is a fair recount and I agree totally

Georgia only has murder in the first degree.

Basically, the balck activists are trying to pull th "he wuz a good boy" card, claiming that the whole case was a modern lynching. Well, unsurpringly, it turns out he wasn't such a good boy, habing broken into a construction site repeatedly, and having had multiple run ins with johnny law. That being said, the dumbfucks who shot him are still dumbfucks, just not the klansmen everyone is trying to paint them as.

They are being painted as dumb regular-racist hillbillies, not klansmen.

Which the probably are.

He didn’t deserve to be shot but his getting shot was the result of a long chain of super dumb decisions.


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Low info voter

Don't use the hard r.


He wuz jus joggin

Based and Where the Red Fern Grows-pilled

please stop making me feel sad

Black boy joy 😍

Lol he's blocking everyone that points out how fucking stupid he is. What a bitch

Praise that man for ridding us of another myo wman menace

another devil gone

Oh they aren't racists? Explain how it is that all the criminals are basketballs then???

Literally r/selfawarewolves

That tweet can be viewed that way but when you smash through the 50 previous arrests plateau, you may just be a worthless asshole.

All her responses can be condensed to

why didnt they use a nicer picture for the murderer

It's a guy

I guess

Do these people know what a mugshot is for?




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he's so r-slur it could be bait

something something 13 something something 50


In other news, twitter user defends killer of old ladies.


Court records indicate he was found temporarily incompetent after a mental exam in October 2019 and was committed to a mental facility. In March, his stay was extended by a judge for 60 days after a request from the head of the facility. He was subsequently released to Royal Personal Care Home on May 1.

Time to play the game of "which county worker is getting this kickback".

Estimated pricing starts at $3,436/month*

That WSJ article was 100% right.

Honestly astonished that they posted this.

Should've posted a picture of him when he was 12, thats totes not racist


Damn I was so sure the 68th time would be different
