Miss SA 2020 is getting cancelled because someone dug up her old tweets lmao.

1  2020-05-20 by YTtears4fearsDSCoolC


I need more details. Unfortunately, South Africa is not a place I know about.

Here are the tweets in question apparently: https://twitter.com/AdvoBarryRoux/status/1262947837567959043

Details are she is famous for being hot.

Those are some tame tweets.

I know. She is catty.


Anyway, apparently it blew up because she changed her apology three times, but I can't find those tweets right now.

I love that half the responses are a mix of "she's a racist look at the tweets" and then the rest are "ugly bitch anyway".

I do enjoy some basic drama.

Why didn't you link this in the OP instead of some random bitch talking shit about her

Imagine if basketballs ran an entire country.

There, you know about South Africa.

I thought that's Zimbabwe, or Liberia, or Nigeria.

Those are Africans. These are people that act like basketballs with a funny accent.

Oh. My bad.

South Africa is a weird place.

I have no idea why the mayos stayed there, unless fucking over black people was that fun.

Mayo's were established there before America existed, without any black people there at all. This is their ancestral land.

Time to tell mayos to go back to Africa.


Gold, that's the reason

Miss south Africa?

don't care 😴😴😴

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Miss SA 2020 is getting cancelled b... - archive.org, archive.today

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Wtfff a funny foyd?? 🤯

Literally who

4th world country, I know.

So monkeys have beauty pageants now too?


This whole time I thought it was Saudi Arabia

Does SA even care about cancel shit?

Their version of cancelling requires an old burning tire filled with gas around someone's neck.

Like God intended

your fired

Is that how they do lynch mobs there?

Yeah, back in the day necklacing is how they would execute people they claimed were spying for the apartheid government. Nelson Mandela's wife was really into it.

Pretty badass.

your fired

South Africa


Gee whizz say it ain't so

secondhand bullshit

literally didn't happen lmao