Youtube drama, the hunt begins for a dude that films himself abusing an old man in a nursing home

1  2020-05-21 by unrulyfarmhand


Christ on a cracker, FUCK this dude. You know shit is fucked when even the dramanauts are posting horrified responses. Fucking shit, dude. Burn in hell.


No this isn’t one of those it’s the other thing

looks like the black community has entered the chat

An arrest has been made according to detroit police. Thank you to everyone in this thread who archived videos and did research!

Thanks again for helping out! Glad to be of some help.

It's like that one time when somebody murdered a lady and posted pics on /b/. There's no lulz, only disgust.

A lady got murdered very close to me and i think her pics were uploaded to /pol/ or /b/ and I pretty much was completely desensitized to gore until that point, shit felta giga surreal to see news articles about a thread I showed to my friend during science class. Still don't know what the fuck a mole is

I really hate people sometimes.


-deleted because I was reminded that people are fucking nuts on the internet-

Someone on twitter is cryptically fedposting about knowing where he is. Shit might get ugly.

Edit: I can’t post that here, feel line unnecessary trouble


I don’t think I should post it

Ok, I wouldnt do anything just like reading stuff like this.

Not you in particular. It's just everyone involved seems to care less about the fact that an old man is being beaten, and more about the fact that a pale-skinned (but still very much black) old man is being beaten by a dark skinned guy. I'm going to see if I can notify police or something. Don't know how I'll do it from Canada, but I'll figure something out.

I would try contacting Michigan law agencies and they will likely share it amongst themselves and figure it out. FBI does tips too. some government sites are also good for things other than auditing thots. I think the FBI is a reputable organization.

Thanks. I'm going to notify them, and also some news organizations. Probably wind up doxxing myself, but fuck it. Not worth someone getting killed by this guy.

The trick is to get someone else to do it ;P

Eh, I don't really care about it. Better off doing the right thing.


How long do you think until this guy gets arrested or ??

No clue. Still waiting on a reply, if I even get one. I'm a Canadian, so I don't know if I'll find out before anyone else.

We got his name and info, and police have been notified.

There is a video of the abuser saying black people are supposed to rule the world. Trust me, he deserves far worse than some black jokes.

Yeah, don't. You were right, some crazy asshole might commit violence.

Just want more people to see so he can be identified and arrested.

For sure. I'll see about contacting authorities and letting them know what's happening and where.

I've contacted some media outlets nearby as well, thanks for taking the time to post those streamables.

It's definitely going to get ugly. If I found that in 42 minutes, I reckon his ass is gonna get smoked.

What could someone search for on twitter if they were interested in finding other people talking about it?

Don’t tell us but give us something to search on Twitter where we can find it ourselves.

-deleted because I was reminded that people are fucking nuts on the internet-

also I stalked the guy

you are the nutso

Yeah, probably. I also knew I could prevent someone from being beaten to death. Take it for what you will, I don't really give a shit.

Legitimately upsetting. Cunt needs a bullet. Hopefully he goes jogging.

What, you don't jog in retirement homes?

there is for some reason, an actual video of him entering a construction site to steal shit on his youtube.

Wow that’s crazy I literally can’t believe this

mirror because this obviously gonna get taken down


There are more videos. This one, in particular, looks like the same old guy, but the old guy's head is split open.

What the fucking shit dude. Thank god this piece of trash filmed his dumbass.

Someone posted his address in awful everything

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Saw title and made assumption.

Watched video and assumption was confirmed.

Just another day on teh intarwebs.

Aha! Except the man being beaten is also black so you’re wrong.

It kinda sucks that most of the time this is the case. So many good black people are brought down by people like this.

That was extremely f'ed up. That persons posturing at the end of having their head hammered in is very reminiscent of brain damage. And he's got a few videos like that. He's clearly mentally ill to boot, a bunch of his videos are celebrity "transvestigations" such as Rihanna, Ariana Grande, etc. Hopefully police find him and he 'has a gun'

What the fuck

Several. Including one where he drugged someone to the point of convulsions, and he sits next to them laughing and filming as they essentially stroke-out. Super fucked up. FBI's been notified of where it occurred; as has Detroit Police. unrulyfarmhand has a number for a detective in the area.

Someone needs to contact the press. This is disgusting.

The comments are predictably disgusting as well, but the subject matter is so disturbing it's hard to care.

No news stories yet. Not surprised, imo


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


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I think I'm gong to pass on watching that before I have to try and sleep.

Is this drama tho?

Yes. But not really the fun kind.

This guy needs to step up his game. Fucking governor of New York forced nursing homes to take in Covid positive patient's, how's that for abuse.

His mom will insist that he's a good boi and he dindu nuffin.


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This is why you kill people

Lots of video evidence and yet no news reports in mainstream media.


There probably won't be. Too many people think the victim was a white man, and there's a shit ton of vigilante arseholes out there that are LARPing about taking justice themselves.

I hope we witness this guy being arrested

Jesus Christ. Imagine raising a child for years and years only for them to turn into this piece of shit.

Black culture is BEAUTIFUL, sweaty

Not gonna sugar coat this, if this happened where I lived, he’d be dead within the first day of posting the video online.

Human pollution. There's fuck all funny to be said about this. Mental health issues dont excuse scumbag behaviour. That cunt deserves the rope.