Glendale shooter proves latinx are taking american jobs

1  2020-05-21 by unrulyfarmhand


Search “bigswayy prod” on snapchat, his video is still up

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Glendale shooter proves latinx are ... -,

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She got BTFO'd hard!


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He's just trying to break stereotypes but then his youtube is lowride trucks with LEDs everywhere so he was halfway there.

Whatever happened to people simply killing themselves and leaving a letter?

Cultural appropriate of Malaysian traditions

If you go out, you might as well go out with a bang instead of whimper.

So do it in public. Just don’t kill others while you do it.

I'm sure you stopped a future /r/drama mass shooter with this comment! Good job 🤗

Thanks. I do my job with pride.

We call it "assimilation" in these parts.

America a true melting pot. CMV