NYT: If you care about the working poor, about racial justice, and about climate change, you have to stop eating animals.

4  2020-05-21 by ChapoDestroyer


Glad I can keep eating meat then


I'm sure the working poor will be thrilled to hear they have to become vegans lmao.

They will be more thrilled to loose their jobs.

They will eat bugs biggot.

Like the food from snowpiercer? Can't wait to get mine

implying the working poor are the fat fucks hoovering up the most wasteful meat products

a big mac does not have much meat at all.

Lmao okay, that'll make poors okay with going vegan.

its called vegetarian not vegan did you fail english or are you naturally an r slur.


Do britbongs really say this?

Imagine not only writing diarrhea of the pen like this, but then expecting people to pay for the privilege to read it

Journocïde when?

The day of the "The C++ programming language" by Bjarne Stroustrup when?

Imagine thinking journocels can learn C++. They couldn't even learn Python.

just use uniqueptr lol just use the STL


In case you're actually curious: https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/CppCoreGuidelines.md

In sum: use all of the new shit, stop using shit like raw pointers and crying when you have 2GB of memory leaks

Thanks so much! I never thought I'd receive programming advice on r/Drama loll

You kidding? Shitpost hard enough and you're guaranteed to trigger some codercel.

What the fuck did you just say to me and my compiler, you little btch?

Is c++ still that relevant these days? I mean, a code base that big won’t ever really die, sure, but oh lawrd is it a nasty language.

Meanwhile c seems to be becoming cool again, c# (among others) is replacing much of what c++ used to be used for, and python is fast enough to do more and more of the heavy lifting without having to resort to the lower level languages at all.

C++ is in the F35

Didn't that begin development nearly 30 years ago now?

People leveraging better hardware because they're lazy is just bad practice, imo. That's why python is faster today, because we have better technology. If you're doing something speed minded, it's in C or C++. For lightweight, custom code in FinTech we're using C++

Many 'fast' parts of python libraries is just c in disguise

this but unironically, c++ can be taught to babies if you use smart pointers

It's even tough for codechads

You probably use Pandas.


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It's intended more as a torture than a retraining program of course.

diarrhea of the pen

God damn I love this sub

Can't we just eat the poor people and solve two problems at once?

Radical centrism!

A website that wants me to pay to be meatshamed? Not this negro. Firing up the grill rn.

Yep, took one look at the title and thought:

Let me guess it's going to be written by one of the "chosen people" who is angry that their precious "pastrami" is more expensive since Texas is using it all for delicious barbecued briskets

And then sure enough:

By Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer is the author of “Eating Animals” and “We Are the Weather.”

Alright let's check his wiki page:

Foer is the middle son of a Jewish family; his older brother, Franklin, is a former editor of The New Republic and his younger brother, Joshua, is the founder of Atlas Obscura. Foer was a "flamboyant" and sensitive child who, at the age of 8, was injured in a classroom chemical accident that resulted in "something like a nervous breakdown drawn out over about three years," during which "he wanted nothing, except to be outside his own skin

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Holy shit, thanks for taking that deep dive. Seems like the same type that would call me a low information voter for being a black independent.

I just don't get how people get paid to shame us out of biological imperatives these days. Like, I have K9 teeth for a reason and understand my phone has slave labor in it's build process. Starting to understand (((them)))

From that description, I think he would fit in perfectly in the r/drama community, maybe even as a mod?

Get early life’d bitch!

Reads like the worst super hero/villain origin.

Every time.


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Funniest part is about the accident:

One boy suffered second- and third-degree burns over 20 percent of his body, with his face, arms and hands badly burned, according to a hospital spokeswoman. The other was said to have suffered burns over a slighty smaller portion of his body

In addition, two 8-year-olds, a girl and a boy, were taken by ambulance to Children's, where they were listed in good condition last night. The girl, identified as Puja Malholtra, was slightly burned, while the boy, identified as Jonathan Foer, suffered shock as a result of the violent blast but was not burned. The two, both of whom attend Murch, were being held for observation last night, officials said.

Out of the 4 kids, he was the only one who wasn’t burned, and simply suffered shock

Not the first of his kind to be pretend to be burned before :\

Ohhhhh! And then I had to read his shitty novel about a kid who lost his father in 9/11 in college. It was just a self insert lmao.

Could they have acquired immunity from burns?? 🤔

I don’t know why I’m always surprised when these people turn out to be exactly how I expect them to be.

Like just one of these times be somebody worth some amount of respect


based and grill pilled

reading "opinion" pieces written by Internet bloggers

Not gonna happen.

I guess ill stop caring about those then

This, but unironically.


  1. NYT: If you care about the working ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I cook steaks for my dog sometimes and he's not about to give that shit up.

He'll eat you if you try to stop

lol I can't get more than 2 paragraphs into an NYT article. ffs dead animals too as the header pic?

NYT should really stop writing articles about blue-collar folks.

NYT should really stop writing articles about blue-collar folks.

They're unbelievably out of touch. Your average tradesperson technically needs meat way more than a cubicel, given the manual work.

Wouldn't it just be easier to stop feeding Africans?

And the fatties





If we don’t care does that mean we should eat more? I’m all for that.

Thanks based NYT


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The NYT is rlurred. How can anyone even take them seriously at this point?

Try telling poors they can’t eat meat

I don't and I wont.

LOL I'm a thirdworlder and I dont give a fuck, gonna keep eating steak until cows go extinct

Is bussy an animal?

Ordering grubhub is causing the global warming. Just FYI.