Glendale shooter self-identified as an in*el and he was targeting couples

2  2020-05-21 by carcanomagicbullet


Odds if he was a ga*mer?

"After shooting one of the victims, he asked 'Do you want fries with that?'"

My man was definitely gaming hard. That's straight out of a Modern Warfare 2 lobby. Or maybe he just really liked Falling Down.

Imagine not having watched Falling Down 37 times.

Rick, have you ever heard the expression that the customer is always right?

That's not our policy here, sir.

People always interpret “the customer is always right” incorrectly, smh


They already said he was an inkwell


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Διὸς δ' ἐτελείετο βουλή



I think nearly all men (boys) under 25 play games

I don't understand the insell culture. It is crazy stupid to get laid, even if you are hideous. Ugly people, retawded people, and disabled people fuck all the time.

Insells don't want to accept that they can easily get laid if they lower their standards. They are 2s who wanna bang 8s and 9s.

That's because the underlying issue isn't just having sex, it's getting the external validation that someone with options chose you. Sex is just a means to convince themselves that they aren't pathetic 2s.

But they cant try to man up and learn to self groom, eat healthy, workout, or even just learn to not be a bitch. Like most of those 8s girls they obsess over exaggerate their looks with makeup and instafilters. Maybe if you just exuded the most modicum display of masculinity and took some initiative and made yourself a social life, youd find some form of happiness.

This is a good take which incorporates prior analysis of neutral r/drama scholars

They just need to take the bussy pill.

The people who do those things are what we find attractive about those 8s.

Of course there are exceptions, but that's just evolution for you, there has to be a loser.

But they cant try to man up and learn to self groom, eat healthy, workout, or even just learn to not be a bitch.

And honestly it's just that last bit.

Inkwell communities have heard and tuned this out with “wow thanks im cured”.

The internet has been a disaster for people with problems. It’s allowed them to self select into proxy social groups that cause a spiral into depression and self-destructive isolation.

No, they are 2s trying to date 3-4s, they hate 8-9s. They seethe at women being able to fuck above their ranking and thus never getting what they feel "deserve".

To be fair I don’t think any ugly people deserve to fuck so that does annoy me a little bit. Anything below 6 needs to be sterilised, so that includes Mumbai, rural America and all of Britain

Yeah this is the point that everyone misses in these conversations. It’s not about shooting a load into a woman, it’s about the social validation. Which is exactly why all this sex doll talk isn’t going to be the panacea that they think it will be.

I can nut harder by myself with a tub of lube and xvideos compared to being with most women, but I’d still take a dumb, vapid, top-shelf 9 who is a mute starfish in bed over that because it’s not about the quality of the nut.

what the fuck is "lowering your standards?" that shit is pure myth. i've fucked girls that i wasn't attracted too and it was gross

You're delusional if you think 3s and 4s would bang 2s.

3s and 4s are constantly lusting after the 9 Chad.

You're delusional if you think 3s and 4s would bang 2s.

The delusion is that you think the only people banging are 9s ubermensch. Have you seen, like, the real world?

Like hell it works both ways. Hugh Jackman and Keanu Wholesomereaves are with grannies.

Honestly though personality in mates is going to be the deciding factor. Something the kissless don't get.

The exact same mentality is held by people saying it's troonphobic if you wouldn't date someone just because they self mutilate.

It's not really about sex, it's that they want to be loved. But they don't have the guts to admit that so they pretend it's all about sex.

You also have to bring something to the table to be loved, which seems to be an issue with them too

They have a gun

Don't forget to subscribe to PewDiePie

i fucking hope he said it

tbf Uncle Ted made me love him with only longposts and letter bombs 🥰


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Hey, that was a 100% wholesome comment. >:(

Hey, that was a 100% wholesome comment. >:(

Indeed it was. Should be double banned.

Lol everyone once in a while I’ll see threads on the tinder subreddit and shit where people say “I can’t get a date, tinder is impossible!” I’m not brad Pitt but I’m not the elephant man and I’ve never had trouble. Work out, take a couple nice pictures with friends or family, dress decent, and have a bio that makes it seem like you have interests that aren’t video games and Rick and morty. It’s hilarious in the tinder subreddit when someone posts a shitty pun as their pickup line and the girl goes “lol” and the comments are “man you dodged a bullet.” No the girl has 20 other matches and doesn’t want to talk to some dumbass who things they’re more clever than they are by using a shitty joke they’ve heard 30 times. Literally find one thing they talk about in their bio and go “wow, that’s so interesting, tell me more” and the person will probably start having a conversation with you. That and yeah, every 5 thinks they’re an 8 so they never want to sleep with someone on their own level

Beta male.
No social life.
Plays games all day.
Longposts on reddit.
Posts selfdepracating humor on no gf.
Karma from other betas like condition is normal.
Pathetic decisions follow.

But what if my only interests are video games and cartoons?

I'm too cheap to pay e-thots. What is the viability of turning gäy? Would my odds be better?

Too many variables to be sure...

Try posting bussy


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become a mod and start sticky posting

Hope you have a cool drink to swallow that black pill with

have a bio that makes it seem like you have interests that aren’t video games and Rick and morty

You want me to lie? On the internet?

tbf tinder is an ass way to try and get laid if youre ugly. You gotta go outside and interact with people

Yeah but have they tried not being ugly?

Literal step 1.

Why is this hard?

Just like join an active volunteer group like Habitat. You might not meet a mate there but you'll almost guaranteed to meet friends of friends


Tinder largely just matters on where you live. If you’re in a semi populated area with younger people you will just do better than others.


Ugh, pure m🅰️yo in text form, 🙄. I can see why they're such defeatist and why m🅰️yo reset rates are so high. Better advice would be for them to stop obsessing over what makes other people happy and focus on things that'll make them happy, people including women will show up, and relationships may blossom from that, but only if you make an effort to see the positives.

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My issue is that I'm just @utistic enough that I have a hard time seeing the line. I have 0 idea how to flirt, I'm awful at initiating a conversation, and I'm not sure when an appropriate time to try to get someone's number is. I could probably do just fine, but I've developed a filter over the years after putting my foot in my mouth on a near daily basis. I had more success with girls at that time as well though, so maybe I was doing something right in my 'tism.


Lol knew it.

I-slurs literally deserve nothing but scorn.

If fat people can still get laid, how pathetic are these people?

The least they can do is not kill other people who aren't evolutionary dead ends on their way out.

We're in the clear lads

So he's a 🌮?

I swear to god if he ruins this for the rest of us 😡



They shut down their places to congregate this is what happens and that’s why they shut them down

What does this mean.

Its one of the main reasons theirs a first amendment. If you give someone an avenue to discuss their grievances and explain their plight we can help them or they can let out their frustrations and be apart of the diaspora. If you block them supress them they have no avenue outside of violence to get attention and that’s what the powers want. Because it justifies les free speech and more oppression. Their goal is systematic hegemonic total control over us all


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Ahh i totally understand.

Banning i-slurs from reddit leads them to have such massive mental breakdowns that they start doing mass shootings is what you're saying right?

That sounds like a problem for i-slurs to solve, not us. Personally id suggest euthanasia

It's over for bean/taco-cels. 🌮 💀

Damn, you know what?

You caught me. You flat-out caught me. It's time to come clean.

Let me tell you a little bit about how I go through my day, which is also how literally every other moderator goes through theirs.

I wake up in my dingy, unwashed bed (which is covered with suspicious stains), then immediately scream for my mother to come downstairs and tell me that I’m a special boy. Once I feel sufficiently better than everyone else, I log in to Reddit, where I go through all of the top-secret communiques that I receive from whichever political party you personally dislike. Having accepted my marching orders, I motivate myself by going to town on my own backside with an anime-style figurine; a doll which looks vaguely like the world leader you most abhor. Then it’s time to get to work.

Pushing a narrative which irritates you – yes, specifically you – is obviously my first priority… but if a totalitarian regime which controls another country, religious group, or corporation has sent me enough money, I take whatever steps I can to promote or censor anything that’s even tangentially related to what they’ve highlighted for me. If the entity in question also happens to have a very small minority stake in Reddit (or if one of the site’s executives has rumored ties to their organization), then I make sure to publicly fellate them whilst simultaneously denying their influence. The more sucking that I do, the more cash I receive!

Mind you, I don’t actually spend any of that loot, because moving out of my parents’ basement would mean that I wouldn’t get that crack-of-noon ego-stroking anymore. No, rather than using those ill-gotten gains to improve my lot in life, I sculpt them into life-size (and anatomically correct) sculptures – using copious amounts of my own neck-sweat as glue – of the various public figures whose actions or perspectives anger you.

Anyway, once I’ve made certain that my corrupt overlords are pleased, I start looking for ways that I can ruin individual users’ days. Randomly removing posts (and then pretending that they were in violation of some invisible rules) is the only way that I can become aroused, after all, and I need to stand at my full, massive two inches if I’m going to be able to reach myself past all of my stomach fat. Having come to attention, I put on my self-pleasure hat – which is a trilby, of course – and start banning people who disagree with my opinions.

Those opinions having been carefully structured to go against yours, of course.

It’s time for a break by that point, so I spend an hour or three lecturing my waifu body-pillow about a given social trend that makes people (again, specifically you) upset. She’ll usually offer some kind of counterargument, which means that I need to throw an impotent tantrum. Whenever that happens, my only solace comes by way of somehow abusing my awesome Internet powers, typically while gorging myself on junk food, soda, and heaping handfuls of straight-up lard. Don’t ask me how that abuse actually manifests, though, because I’ll silence all of the remarkably insightful questions that you send my way. The thing is, I’ve never heard any of them before... and since my hidden masters haven’t told me how to respond, my only option is to screech at my computer monitor as I wildly flail around.

Those eight seconds of exertion tend to bring me pretty close to unconsciousness, so I have to completely ignore the communities that I govern for a while, thereby allowing a multitude of posts and comments to go through unchecked. Fortunately, they’re only ever submissions which you (once more, specifically you) find distasteful, so it still counts as a victory. At the same time, though, if you try to submit anything – especially if it’s entirely adherent to those invisible rules that I mentioned earlier – I’ll wheeze my way back into a semi-upright position for just long enough to mete out another completely unwarranted ban.

Finally, once all of that is done, I kill myself, frequently by dying in a fire. Getting the suggestion to do so dozens (or even hundreds) of times a day just proves to be too much for my utterly unfathomable intellect to handle, so I eventually succumb to the sweet embrace of death.

Besides, it’s the only way that I can get to sleep at night.

TL;DR: You don’t need to read this, because you’ve already decided that you know it all.


  1. Glendale shooter self-identified as... -,

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Whyte insell shooters like Armando JR Hernandez DeMontoya Enrique Alexandria Ocasio Cortez must be stopped at all costs

Armando Hernandez

The “white” man strikes again


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All I said was “m*ids be wildin'”


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How dramatic


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Gam*r uprising cancelled by a jammed gun the absolute state of 🌮’s. Smh.

These cats worrying about the opposite sex

I'm worried about how to best follow Uncle Ted's holy scripture


wahhh im an ugly little manlet rat why don't 8+/10 women sck and fck me :(((((

its funny how drama tends to like to be counter culture and contrarian for the laughs but the comments here are literal /r/inceltears pearl clutching

Funny how people can come together in not wanting to be murdered by some seething dry dick the next time one of them chimps out.


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