Reddit has been suppressing this video. POS beating up a defenseless elderly man and elderly woman in a nursing home.

0  2020-05-21 by HboNewPope


oh look he's a jogger.

Is it illegal to jog in nursing homes?

Oh no reddit won't let us hold an online race riot what will we do

We are being oppressed let's have a pogrom and riot

Sorry how did this jogger meme come about? I think I can translate the word appropriately, but is there a back story?

Have you not heard the story of Ahmaud Arbery?

Black man gets murdered while jogging, "hey guys lets call black people joggers now", cue sub getting banned in 3 months from MDEfugees shitting up the place like usual.

Holy shit, i said to myself before i clicked on your profile, i wonder if this is that f*g making sad lefty threads a few months back and what do you know lmao.

Why dont you shove a sock in it and vote for b*den like a fucking adult

A f*gee admitting that only children vote for d*ddy? Well what a day.

Children cant vote in America lol, the absolute state of burger libleft

Chronological children can’t vote. But half the electorate might as well be in diapers.

The one time an rslur on reddit gets the chance to use the word "literal" in the correct way and he uses "chronological"

My sides

I thought about it, but that would undermine me when I call you a literal child in a couple of comments.

Its all good you all have no problem with using it 12 times in a thread😎

Ngl the both of you are pretty a-slur


Be fair! He was (man)slaughtered at worst!

Hey guys, elder abuse is bad.

Also, let me bring my politics about why african americans are evil into this video about innocent old people being abused, i just cant help myself but to bring racism into literally everything i touch.

Shut the fuck up about "joggers" you dumbcunt MDEfugees

Haha jogger go 😡 πŸ€£πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


Man I've seen a dozen posts on this. Remarkably poor suppression.


I cant find any posts of this with over even 100 votes. Seems suppressed to me.

According to comments he was arrested. What a pos.

It's alleged, police said, that the incident occurred on Friday, May 15, and that both the 75-year-old victim and the suspect are patients at the nursing facility, located in the 16500 block of Schaefer.

That dude is 20 and is a patient at a nursing facility. Why are they keeping actual r*slurs with old people? Also, chances are this dude isn't even competent enough to stand trial.


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Removed. Looks like Youtube is also "suppressing this video".

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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It's a real eye opener how biased and partisan reddit is.

Go to r/news and there are 15 new threads an hour in New about the jogger slayer getting sentenced while this case is deleted.