Sleepy Joe does a racism

6  2020-05-22 by srsh10392



nice unfunny sticky r*tard

nice ban nerd.

Got em!


(^he does it for free)

big true

As a young black man who has been profiled extensively by a white-dominated Western society, I can see no finer representative for my opinions and views than an old white pedophile.

As another non-mayo centrist, I can confidently say that I've experienced much more racism from the left than the right. The left expects you to vote for them because "it's in your own interest", and if you don't then they will fuck you up. Kind of like the mafia demanding protection money. And if you don't give them what they expect they'll call you a race traitor, try to ostracize you from the community, etc. When it comes to online venues, they'll often deny your existence outright and claim that you must be a white guy behind the screen because there's no way a colored person would say the things you're saying.

Oh shit, who'd we trade him for?

It was part of the OJ trade.

So in the debates, Daddy's gonna say something extremely retærdêd, Biden's gonna be like: "niggawut?" and sweep the black vote and white working class and boomer vote, and Daddy's loss will make Mondale look popular.


Pokemon go to the polls.

Lmao arr/politics thread is still praising him as well spoken throughout the interview.

Anybody who doesn’t see the dementia is a liar or needs a checkup of their own. This is just sad.

Hope he says the g*mer word by November.

Daddy also has Dementia so I'm thinking this is a good election for Dramacoin

Oh, absolutely. I still favor Tr*mp in the debates though, because his base is immunized to his r*tarded shit at this point. When Joe says off-color stuff he's going up on the cross.

Joe Biden literally has rape victims saying they would support him if he were to commit serial rape

Tr#mp wouldn't lose a vote if he were to shoot someone on fifth Avenue, but neither would Biden. The radlibs have gone full in on irrational orange man hatred. There are those on the left who won't vote for Biden but he's already lost them and he's not getting them back.

Yeah but they'll whine about it more.

But the 🍊 man is in fact like really really big bad.

There's LITERALLY a GIANT CHEETO in the white house!!!!!




Joe Biden literally has rape victims saying they would support him if he were to commit serial rape



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Nah, T-rump doesn’t have dementia. He’s self-absorbed + stubborn as a mule + has to give hot takes on everything regardless of his qualification.

Two different and equally wonderful flavors of drama.

Daddy definitely has dementia and/or a crippling stim addiction. How bout them revolutionary war Era airports

That’s just good old fashioned burger t*rd.

It’s about decline. Tr*mp has always sounded like a slobby dummy. It’s not a shock when he belts out grossly wrong dumb comments on history or science. It’s not a defense, just an observation. I’d prefer somebody like Robert McNamara in charge personally.

Bid*n used to be able to string together a competent sounding speech. Even his infamous gaffing was a misspoken word or stutter. These days he’s literally wandering off camera. Watch him from 2008 vs him in 2019/2020. If you say you don’t see it, you’re blind.

Lol when did I say Biden doesn't have dementia? My whole argument is that Daddy has it too. Maybe to a lesser extent but it's there.

Also Collin Powell 2020


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I'm hoping in his debate with Tr*mp he drops an n-bomb, imagine the reaction of jogger-Americans.

That's the only chance I think we have in our life time of black people just giving everyone an N word pass

Nah its cool to say it now

"When we said white people dont say n*****r we didnt mean all white people. That's a right wing trap."

Its cool if its the guy giving them money

Wait, trump is giving them money now

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Dey gonna joooog

I hope that he proudly proclaims that he hasn't said niggеr since 1974.

Uuhhhhhhh hey youslashnwordcounterbot????? Ummm this guy did a racism... yikes sweaty

Amusingly enough, working around our mods' f@ggotry made me immune to that bot also.

Getting a lot of king energy from u

KING 👑 🙏😘

Oh muh racisms! Reeeeeee!!!


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His fans will be like "actually he said stop being a stupid bigger!"


"GAAK!" -Bernqrd Brothers as Uncle Joe coasts into the nom after dropping the hard R


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Oh man I can’t wait for the inevitable drama as unkie Joe becomes increasingly unhinged and blue check marks have to sink lower and lower to justify why you need to vote for him.


Das rite

The only ones who will care are white leftists on twitter.

If I ever fall so low in my life where I just spend my time perusing popular p0litical posts and posting reaction gifs to them on Twitter I will neck myself.

Actually if I ever sign up for a Twitter account I will neck myself

It seriously is such a shit social media site. Why the fuck did we ever let myspace die? Literally only platform that allowed muslims too


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Twitter is good for one thing and one thing only, bullying corporates when their customer service is stonewalling.

Based tbh

Is mox a reference?

Only to an old account

If Joe Biden said something racist he just gained 10 points among boomers

you can't put this guy up against trmp, if they go toe to toe in a debate he will get destroyed, this is elderly abuse


Zuby has a long history of being based 👌🏿

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Sleepy Joe does a racism -,

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I mean that's no worse than anything i've seen on r/BPT, so apparently it's a pretty common saying among whyte people

It's punk rock to support Israel 😎😎😎

Yeah I love the GOP! Yeah I love the DNC! Yeah I love the CIA! Yeah I love every single solitary denizen of Little St. James! Get over it!





Put a fork in this campaign, it's done, the fat lady has sung and I'm not talking about Stacy abrams.

that hashtag on tw@tter is growing fast, it jumped like 15k in ~10 minutes

That pic of the black people with their hands on t-Rump's shoulders gets me every time in every context.

He looks deeply uncomfortable

It's a great responsibility to be a king of all blacks. Of course he worries.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown

Especially in the morning. Shit, this is rough.

Oh no, a trending hashtag. Surely this will be the end of Biden

Twitter has lost all control over this election, it's a full on boomer v boomer brawl

lol i posted it so we can track when tw@tter decides to disappear it

Looks like they disappeared it about 2 hours ago. Went from #2 trending to gone.

Poor rightoids.

How many times do you check under your bed before you can go to sleep?

lol @ u



what a cunt. vote for me or you're a race traitor

I am shocked and appalled at his lack of civility. I should vote for his opponent in November.

Who is that?


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Where's the lie? Also, Droomph should totally do the same, "if you ain't voting for me you ain't white" lmao

then he'd lose lmao. Nobody wants to be wh*te, you cumskin

Koreans do.

The Japanese were turning them into honorary ones at least, IDK why they still bitch about it.

Pretty much all asians


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Lol people trying so hard to cancel him by misinterpreting what he's saying. He isn't talking about black people in this statement. He's saying if you're having a hard time deciding, you're not black. As in, black people have an easy time deciding who to vote for this election and the people who are struggling are other races bc they aren't as negatively impacted by Daddy's policies.

Biden needs to hire those Daddy defenders who come on and explain everything he says.

Jumping through that logical loop hole gave me dementia.

This is a beyond stupid take. This is like you had a stroke half way through and forgot what was written initially.


Are you perhaps Joe B*den?

I'm right though

You honestly present a worse take then simply saying "He was joking about a stereotype" which is what he was clearly doing.

Why is it worse?

I agree that this is probably exactly what he meant but even under the most charitable interpretation the message is still pretty clear. 'You're a captive audience'. It's a very stupid thing to say. Not just because it plays into the easiest Republican talking point ever, but also because it literally only takes one black person to say 'uhh what do you think I am then, SIR?'

It's stupid but true. Joe "tells it like it is" Bid*n


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Lol wtf watches the breakfast club anymore


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the new twitter embed design is trash jesus

Somebody fetch me my pearls so that I may clutch them.


America: Rise Up is just mad cause my nigga Joe got a pass.

Where is the lie though?

Surely this is the end of the Biden campaign

Says increasingly nervous Chapocel/DDFcel for the thirtieth time.


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Biden gonna put on black face to win the black vote.

And Jim Clyburn is gonna defend it. I mean, Jesse Jackson defended him when he called Obama "the first African-American candidate who's articulate" and said "you know, that's a story." Even Obama defended him.

Like I support Biden and I can't see how that's not racist.

This dude is fixing to be our next President.

And blåcks will still vote for him 🤔

It don't have nothing to do

I've english as a 2nd language and even I think this sounds like a r-tard speaking

I'm so tired man.
