[Dramatic Happening] Church ⛪️ spreads the rona gets disinfected with holy ✝️🔥 fire.

3  2020-05-22 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


This is clearly a false flag.

This, we know the average atheist isn’t capable of doing anything besides bitching about Christians on reddit

Maybe. Insurance? The misspelled graffiti makes it more likely.

They put the atheist symbol next to it lol

wait so NOW you believe in false flags? lmao

You really believe Rev. Jussie Smollett?

Not sure an insurance scam would really fall under false flag but far from the first time someone’s decided an insurance payout looks nice.

Just interesting a church who’s been racking up fines and screaming their delusional persecution complex suddenly has an arson vandal that’s also part of a roving gangs of atheists.

If there’s one thing graffiti is known for its that consistent proper spelling.


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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Was this the place that healed Corona through the TV?

Lol just take the hint since God would not have let it happened if he didn't willed it so.

What is this pandemic doing to us?

Not enough, clearly.

Where's Varg?

With all the money invested into media practically directly from the government, it's not too hard to believe this is the falsest of flags. That said, this occurred in Mississippi where the governors name is Tate Reeves; I don't know if we can rule this one out yet.