As it turns out, DojaCat👩🏽🐱 (half black👨🏿/half white👩🏻 singer) is an unironic 4channer who hates black men along with her own blackness. Twittards have canceled her and also are just learning what dindu nuffin means 🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿😳

1  2020-05-23 by LmaoSourcePls


Doja Cat is cancelled 😔 I didn’t wanna delete her music so I’m blocking Ed Sheeran instead

😔 I hate tweetoids.

Literally who? 🤔

Ahh thanks I knew I recognized that name from somewhere. It’s the “bitch I’m a cow” chick and màn she ain’t lyin mammys got some milkers 😍


edit: Eh it's not even in an offensive way, she's just "subverting" it. And looking her up just reveals she was raised by her well off artist white mom in New York, of course she's gonna act like a weird rich mayo girl.

Unironically not bad lmao

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. As it turns out, DojaCat👩🏽🐱 (half b... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

unironic 4channer

Nothing wrong with using 4chan; it has its merits.

It is beyond depressing in %currentyear%

Good morning. I hate /pol/acks.

Nothing wrong with using 4chan; it has its merits.

Literal degenerate

OK redditor

You have 5 years and 4 months on reddit.

I also don't feel superior for using it, if anything it's on the contrary

as long as you keep to the wholesome parts like /d its good. but stay away from the cesspits like /mlp or /pol

/his/ is fun :D

yes it is. thanks for adding examples

mlpol tho

Where else can you see the aussie muzzie blaster with a horse vagina

Go back to 4 chan zoomer

4chan is a boomer website

No it really isn't

It literally is

The only good boards are dead and the active boards are only entertaining if you're a edgy 12 year old who just learned about fbi crime statistics lmao

Sir, this is a 4chan retirement home for oldf@gs.



Someone tldr please. This looks like very r3tarded drama.

So apparently she was active in chat rooms that were racist, and created a song named dindu nuffin to mock a black woman who has shot by police, but I haven't seen any evidence, just screenshots of people talking about it on other chatrooms

Thank you for your service.

Can I get a link?

Who knew Doja was based af

She looks like bruce jenner.

Black twitter might be the closest thing you can get to hell on Earth. I mean holy shit, look all that.

A black woman has used edgy racial humor and...said the n-word!

These people have never met a black person before, have they?

I'm dying at the fact that white people are trying to cancel a black person for saying the n word. Cancel culture has truly come full circle

I just don't understand, like theres serveral black figures in history who promoted willful segregation but how do you do that when you're literally mixed.


Edit: Alright so I don't think she's actually racist, just hangs out with 4 channers who are of the posistion that black culture is violent.

The dindu nuffin song I’ve known about for years, why is it just now getting attention?
