BPT can't decide if they should vote for sleepy Joe or not. Bonus appearance by white people being offended.

1  2020-05-23 by Standard12


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. BPT can't decide if they should vot... - archive.org, archive.today

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BPT deciding that being a house slave is both powerful AND brave.

Bunch of hwyte people advocating for sl@very. Nothing new

Wypipo b crazy

Stockhomey syndrome.

Ever seen a whiťe girl insist that another whiťe girl refer to a blăck girl studying abroad from Nairobi, Kenya as an African-American?

It's a treat. Hands down one of my best memories from college.

That's your best memory for college? What a fucking dork lol.

I’m as blăck as they come and even though I know Joe Biden was joking, bláck people who votes for Donald Trump and conservatism aren’t black to me.

...I'm sure they care.

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I’m as blăck as they come

It's not even close to convincing, I'd love to see these posters livestream a walk through some actual projects.

If you went to college you're not black lmao.

Hey now, poor kids are just as bright as white kids. Sniffin Joe said it himself.

Man, that's a lot of white people pretending to be black people.

I just can't believe that there are so many black dudes on reddit and writing essays after essays about race relations.


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ain't nobody gon tell me how I'm feelin damn ass cracka ass I'm gon need mo money fo dem programs my chillun need shoes yes'm y'all racis ass cracka ass

  • Some Aunt Jemima on Twitter, 2020

I laughed

Didn't you need to send a pic of your arm in order to get verified and be avle to post?

It was an April Fool's prank they did that everyone fell for. It's easy to find out how overwhelmingly white BPT is. Just post a meme about white people not seasoning their food and watch everyone lose their shit in the comments.

These troglodytic ret4rds are so poorly socialized that they’re incapable of distinguishing between goofy father behavior and literally sociopathy.

Why anyone would ever take these losers’ opinions seriously is beyond me.

Good morning

good morning

long post about being a good fàther

says he’s blàck

Yeah no

Worst part, IMO, is throwing momma under the bus like that! Did her dirty!

I literally cringed when I read this yesterday..

Its like these people have never actually met a black person and instead of doing this, they decide to watch world star. "Oh, black people don't use proper English, got it, I'm failing that one anyways."

Two seconds later they start using the words clap back, shook, and yall unironically.



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god i hate you so much

Cry if you want but that's literally how many people of blackness think

He said something he didn't have the place to but I feel like a lot of people agree with him.

Lol the guy who wants to be king of the Americans needs to mind his place.

If you suddenly feel the urge to take up the cause at being offended at injustices, start with Breonna Taylor and work your way back to Nat Turner and you'll almost be caught up.

I get Breona Taylor, but didn't Nat Turner kill men, women, and children? What injustice is he talking about?

So glad I'm not the only one. I can't really fuck with conservative black people, too much ignorance.

This is how you know it’s a white dude lmao