KMT supporters less than thrilled when /r/stupidpol fan art gets released from Discord.

1  2020-05-23 by SJCards


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. KMT supporters less than thrilled w... -,

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Chïnks are 200% fäscist. News at 11.

This seems like a good time to point out that the only time Sun Tzu ever contributed to the military was failing to train hookers to walk in formation.

The second part of that story is that then he beheaded one and they learned to walk in formation real quick. Pretty based.

Aesthetic pictures ngl.

Making fanfic is the only way they will take Taiwan. PRC mad x24

Hats off to that loving depiction of the M60 tank.

Breaks immersion. The PLA is like the second-to-last military on Earth capable of invading anything.

The first is every Arab military ever.

Daily reminder the PLA couldn’t take fucking Kinmen island, which is only a few miles away from the mainland

Next horde zerg of Beijing when?

The moment they can cross a body of water larger than a creek.

Assad has some decent officers now because of the war. But I’m sure that won’t last

I remember someone at mainland made model detailing the invasion. The street and the buildings were pretty well-made.

Too bad this tweet isn't in Chinese. I expect to see more KMT supporters giving this a pass if it were in Chinese.

If they thought Dresden was bad what happens when the bombers hit Shanghai

You put 20 million people in a city?

Nuked Rëtard 😎

student at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute creates images of a People's Liberation Army invasion of Taiwan--complete with what appears to be dead U.S. marines.

Kinda triggered right now, time to move the pacific fleet to Japan. Let’s see them try to land with 8 carriers in the way