/r/Newzealand on suicide watch after a MAGA hat is spotted on the bookshelf of the opposition leader

1  2020-05-24 by dudedramalmao


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. /r/Newzealand on suicide watch afte... - archive.org, archive.today

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Bet you seen C-beams glitter off Tannhauser Gate, huh?


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I love how right-wing parties in other countries think they can find success by emulating the MAGA crowd and aren't aware of how far gone American righties are.


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Ps would you agree with Biden that if black don’t vote for Biden then they ain’t black?



I love how americentric and narrow your world view is down in Florida or wherever the fuck you are when you think your rightoids are anywhere near as batshit crazy as they are in s-america or europe

in the rest of the world, rightoids are actual fash-shists and nahsiz, beat up the h0mos etc, they don't harass people with signs at funerals lmao

Amerifats BTFO yet again.

Not in NZ or in Australia really.

Your analogy applies to more 3rd world countries.

LMAO first of all I love how all of Europe is '3rd world' while NZ and Aus aren't

Australia, the country that had a 'wh1te only" policy until the 1980's, very woke, definitely less extreme than rightoids who advocate stand your ground or some vanilla shit abt freedoms

But Americans can't go outside of their box and see the world from any other perspective! Go figure!

Australia, the country that had a 'wh1te only" policy until the 1980's, very woke, definitely less extreme than rightoids who advocate stand your ground or some vanilla shit abt freedoms

Yeah that's true. I don't deny that.

But the country did a 180 and now "multiculturalism" is a huge thing here. The vast majority of Australians think multiculturalism is good.

You can't compare the 1980's politics to now, that's a 40 year difference.

literally no different to the US then

but then again you are a stupidpol forsen fanatic so i shouldn't unfairly assume you have a healthy and realistic world view that corresponds with reality


I don't even need to say anything lol.

you're the one using forsen emotes on reddit hombre

Vast majority


Betts used findings from a 1994 poll to support her argument concerning the division in Australian society. The poll found that nearly three fifths of university-educated respondents favoured ‘hard multiculturalism’ compared to a quarter of non-university educated people7. Betts concluded that ‘Australian surveys and opinion polls on immigration since the 1960s document increasing opposition among the majority of respondents and a growing split between the opinion of university-educated people and that of the majority’8.

Nowadays there are more and more people with university education.

So, I expect that % to have gone up. Especially considering that it's from 1994 which is again, 26 years ago.

But while the trend underscores increasing community concern about immigration and population growth, 55% of the sample agree with the proposition that “multiculturalism and cultural diversity has enriched the social and economic lives of all Australians”.

'Overwhelming majority'


There has been a sharp spike in anti-immigration sentiment. For the first time in Lowy Institute polling, a majority (54%, a 14-point rise from 2017) of Australians say the ‘total number of migrants coming to Australia each year’ is too high. Australians also appear to be questioning the impact of immigration on the national identity.


In the past few years, immigration and multiculturalism support has taken a bit of dive. However, note that this survey points out that this is the first time in its history the majority of Australians say there are too many migrants coming.

Do not conflate multiculturalism with immigration tho.

Many don't want more immigrants but will happily retain the culture past ones have brought here.

All non-Anglo countries are third world.

I would completely agree if not for the fact that you included the United Kingdom

All non-Anglo countries == third world. != All Anglo countries == not third world.

Stop using stupid fucking math and use words

far gone

the term is based, pizza


Exactly. What is there to love? ... Complete entanglement of church and state? ...

Imagine being this much of an rslur 🤣

Not all rslurs, ya know. 😔

Holy shit those guys are insufferable.

The covid posts are agony, everyone fun is gone.

Now he just seems like a pretty cool guy.
