Entity possessing two X chromosomes rebels against paternal entity possessing one x and one y chromosome.

1  2020-05-24 by 2Manadeal2btw


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I'm also panromantic and bisëxual.

I'm shocked, truly shocked.

my dad is a racist asshole and blames black people for not working hard enough. He also is a white worshiper and insists that America is THE best country on the planet, which is a fucking lie. He also likes to make fun of my weight, calls me chubby, and demands that I exercise so that I lose weight. Mind that I do want to lose weight but not with him around berating my appearance. He is also anti-LGBTQ+, which sucks for me because I'm also panromatic and bisexual.

Mod him when?

In all honesty this is gr8 b8. It brought a smile to my face

Why does Panromantic, as a word, need to exist? It’s not an identity or sexuality. All it means is that you have sex with trans people and non-Trans people.

I'm no expert but I believe it has something to do with the Panasonic brand electronics. How that relates to sex is anyone's guess.

On a serious note, I think words like this are the product of people not having any challenges in life. In an excess of comfort and free time, they have the time and luxury for this nonsense.



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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Entity possessing two X chromosomes... - archive.org, archive.today

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I'm 21 years old and my dad is making me rage because he forcibly made me quit an Overwatch Competitive game

Based dad. It's fun trying to get g*mers to explain why something as inherently meaningless as an online game rank is somehow more important than eating.

you could try to argue that by leaving your ruining the game for nine other people and dont want to make them sad. at least that makes some sense.

As if a fat f*id could produce even a basic reasonable argument.


That's just an excuse children make up. Hell even my college roommate would do this when his gïrlfriend would ask him to do horrible things such as clean up after himself or move his fåt äss out of the chair once in a while between league of legends games. And every time without fail, he would start up another game as soon as the last one ended and forever have the excuse that he had no choice but to play vìdeo gãmes all day long.

but at least that excuse makes sense on a surface level.

You’re giving none other people time back to go do something productive autstic rtard


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do something productive

theyre g*mers

Cause i can just eat in 5 minutes. You wouldnt leave a baseball game while you were on 2nd to eat a few mins sooner unless you're an r-slurred lard-slur. But to be fair it sounds lik xhe is just that

reminds me of my little Filipina woman hahah,,,

u coming to the bbq this Saturday?

  • Sent From My Commodore 64


imagine worshipping mayos lmao

I'm also panromantic and bis3xual. When I first came out he said I can only like one s3x.

Her dad's cool.

Do these 🤡s just make new variations of their already made up words to feel even more unique?

Why can't you just be str8 or a f@ggot anymore?


Being bï is only a big deal if it's 2003, nobody cares anymore.

Even being trąns isn't a big deal to many, as long as you put in some effort.

Calling yourself pånromantic or nønbînăřý or demißexual or some other such nonsense requires zero effort, and comes with the bonuses of being meaningless and even more obscure. Being more obscure means more ōppression points because normal people don't even know what you're talking about.

I can’t remember who recently came out as pánsêxual recently but it was some B list celebrity. The dudes been married for years so it was literally just a way to make headlines. Like “Yes I am pàn and no I won’t ever have to prove it because I’m happily married and if I get divorced I will conveniently get with another f0!d”

The professional victims ran out of stuff to be armchair activists about so they made stuff up. It doesn't matter if there are still large parts of there world where my rightful claim to bussy is considered an offense punishable by death, we're far too busy posting colour spectrums on twitter with "fjebricnrek pride ❤" as the caption.

He sees it for what it is, attention-seeking victimization sprinkled with an adolescent desire to be unique.

Lmao I swear 80% of college w0men I meet claim they’re bis3xual and talk about how other w0men are hot, but wouldn’t be caught dead in a relationship with one.

but wouldn’t be caught dead in a relationship with one.

Maybe smarter than at first glance, tbh

*college white women

FTFY, to be more specific

You've never met a drunk latina

And I don't even understand the thinking behind all of these ever-more complex terms anyway. Like, surely if you're a bi$exual guy and you crave both the bu$$y and the pu$$y, you would also be down with tr@ps?



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Absolute scores of self hating Filipinos in that thread.

can you blame them?

Litérälly a fät "bißéxüäl" gämér föid. Poor dad.

Don't feel too bad for him. If anyone had a chance to stop it, it was him.

White Worshipper

translation: doesn't despise america

Deserved for playing a dead game

lol lot of self-hating flips in that thread, good to know it's not just mayos who do that

Is this the rebellion against system?

Anyway, somebody has to say it: Pinoy is beautiful.

lechon kawali

do people always name the specific dish so casually when relating stories of abuse?

Great title sweaty 🤗

racist against black people

Wait till the olympics are on and let him watch the track events,once those cheeks start clapping he'll be trying to cruise in the hood.


That entire thread is full of seething pinoys, it is worth a read