Toronto park during pandemic: "I see another common denominator but I wonder if you see it too..."

1  2020-05-24 by newcomer_ts


I see another common denominator but I wonder if you see it too...


You think niggas went to the park before the lockdown?

Also are there any in Canada to begin with?


There’s like two cool ones though

They’re cool until the steal your bike.

Or your pies.

Like 30

If the park's named MLK.

You've got everything in that thread.

Boomers complaining about millennials

Millennials complaining about Gen Z (even though that picture looks like actual millennials lol)

Blacks complaining about mayos

Conspiratards complaining about sheep.

This pandemic has brought out the worst of all the groups

so unbearably true.

Yeah they are all (may Allah forgive me for uttering this word) Canadians

I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Toronto park during pandemic: "I se... -,

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Oh, Snappy...

neglect and abandonment are forms of abuse

Millennials are looking more and more like boomers as they age.

Day of the Nintendo Switch when?

bellwoods is a 9 to 5er infested shithole, torch the place and make queen street great again

I used to be there in early 00's... taking the dog to that dog bowl - it was worse

i got a job at a shop on that strip when i was 21, thinking it was gonna be a hipster hangout place like black dog was when i was a teen, but nope. It's all those weird south-of-king types who are like yuppies in hipster costumes? they tricked me with their clothes :(


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Wake up, hwhite people!

I see another common denominator but I wonder if you see it too...

Now do crime statistics