/r/dataisbeautiful makes graph showcasing the differences between men and women in comedy

1  2020-05-24 by callaghanrs


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I see three things wrong with this methodology then. First... WORDS x24

TLDR: cöpe x24

Höes mad x24

OP here is getting yikes'd for wrong think


I wonder if what the graph is also showing is just that women are social.

OP: I'd argue they are more "domestic" in terms of comedy. [-10]

Can you expand on "domestic"?

OP: Sure! This graph only focus on sex/sexuality. But if I included jokes about cooking/cleaning, being a mom, being a wife etc. Then the graph would be even more pronounced. [-14]

Your definition of “domestic” already has gënder bias. Of course you would think that fëmale stand ups are more domestic in nature when you use terms like mom and wife to define it. Instead you should use criteria like being a parent, household chores/errands, or marital relations.

i hope one day the pendulum swing the other way with PC culture

People don't want to come out and say it, but the younger Zoomers are already swinging back over

Ya, I noticed it with Germans. When I lived in Germany in 2007-2009 everyone was super PC and super Left. The younger Doucher Ive met have been swinging pretty Right.

Deutscher Doucher.

Was zum Teufel? Die Buben des deutsche Volk sind rechtse? Ernsthaft?

Ja, in Ernst. Im Vergleich zu wie sie vorher waren. Und ja, mit Anti-Politische-Korrektheit, wachsende Stimmung gegen die Einwanderung, AfD.

America isn’t the only country on earth.

Only country that matters


Lol no zoomers are mostly left leaning and some are full blown Marxists

Its definitely the case in Britain not sure about US tho

It’s already happening in Hungary and Poland. They’re gonna lead the charge.

It is happening and it is going to go just a bit further Right than Commiefornians are Left. Then it will swing back again. But already the Left has overextended and lost people to the middle by trying to scoop up Commies.

It always swings back.

It was basically flipped in the 90s. MTV was actually edgy and rightoids were always clutching their pearls about something.

Trust me, it’s happening, many just don’t wanna admit it

Lol ok 😂😂

Libertarians will rise up with CP culture soon.

Instead you should use criteria like being a parent, household chores/errands, or marital relations.

So, domestic.

These people literally WORDS WORDS WORDS themselves all the way back around to the point they were trying to get away from.

Women are disgusting they always talk about sex, when we men just wanna grill.

1,700 comments and none of those icebrains actually realized why it's like this. Women make more sexual joke because women's value is intrinsically sexual. They know more audiences (ie horny guys) will tune in if they hear a woman talking suggestively about her boobs and puss.

The same isn't true for men. If he stands up there and talks about nothing but his penís all night, most men are going to feel super gáy listening to that for a full hour, and will tune out. And most women will say "ugh gross" and tune out because women aren't as horny. It's a net loss across the board.


If he stands up there and talks about nothing but his penís all night, most men are going to feel super gáy listening to that for a full hour, and will tune out.

Oh look, a fabergé egghead who can't appreciate tiny-dicked Stavros Halkias.

It really is wild how heavily the cumtown fanbase has turned on him

The more you listen, the more you realize that Adam and Nick are the essential duo, and that Stav could be replaced and the dynamic wouldn't change. Bastard Radio has shown that Nick is still funny as hell, especially when paired with people who aren't as submissive.

Nick needs to be challenged. I've said that (pre covid) nick needs a regular job to at least riff about, or at very least other people to be around.

But nick tim and Luis is great, could also substitute soder in there too

Yeah, I kinda agree. Nick, nowadays, is increasingly stuck with two cohosts who seem to know he is the most talented, and is out of anecdotes. A real job would be nice.

That, or he goes on RedScare again, that was amusing.

They've never really liked stav hes had the same repertoire of jokes since the start of the pod and hes never changed it

wouldn't it be better to rank them by actually being funny or not?

It’s already divided with genders on different halves so that is a good start.

Two genders? Be better.

Doesn't that imply that there would be only males on the chart then?

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. /r/dataisbeautiful makes graph show... - archive.org, archive.today

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i respect nikki for actually committing.


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The ghostbusters remake is literally 100 percent pussy fart jokes

this list is very cherry picked

Ohnononono here they come


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iliza shlesinger is actually pretty funny.

Most of her bits consist of her shitting on other women.