If pornhub is banned, there would be mass suicides of coomers

1  2020-05-25 by unrulyfarmhand


Honestly I’m grateful for the help pornhub gave me through my sexually frustrated teen virgin years. Without it I would have had to get laid or something 🤮🤮🤮

My teenage self preferred rule 34 and e621. Furry pron is the far superior method of getting off

See everyone, pornhub is actually a wall standing between us and the outer darkness.

At least when you get off to furry porn you can be safe in the knowledge that it is just drawing, and not a human trafficking victim

yep furry porn is very respectful of f*ids as well


tho tbh a lot of my fave pics were pretty rapey so maybe not

Yiff does have a wider variety than clop.

Gross ☣️☣️☣️🥵🥵🤮🤮🤮

It saddens me to see the foolishness of the many who will never understand the glory of being furry-pilled 😔😔😔

I would have had to get laid or something 🤮🤮🤮

That wouldn't have happener even if you didn't have pornhub

This but unironically. I probably would have actually let some idiot call herself my gf. Can’t give porn the whole credit but I’m sure it helped.

Mane hanime is where it’s at

Gods keep you.

I made it though my teenage years without getting laid just fine, and all I had to work with was the Sears catalogue, and a few mildewy Playboys with the pages stuck together that we found back in the woods.

Porn used to be in every bush right?

Never been more erect than when I was making dens as a kid.



I don't really like banning things, but TBH this crablord is making a pretty good argument why we should.

I generally believe that consenting adults should have access to things they're willing to pay for, but the possibility of an automated coomercide is really hard to pass up.

because as we all know, there is only 1 (one) single porn site on the internet.

It's like an iphone to these people. If they realized there was such a thing as another kind of phone they'd either sneer or recoil over of how foreign and scary it is.

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. If pornhub is banned, there would b... - archive.org, archive.today

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People need pornhub in their lives. If pornhub was to shut down, tens of thousands would take their lives because they'd have no reason to live. Porn is some people's lives.

Lord, I don't recon I ask for much, but I would happily walk over the corpses of thousands of coomers, to assist those who can't or are unable to live a decent life.

That's why you dedicate a hard drive for your favourite stuff.


Quite a hyperbole. A person's sole reason for existence is to binge-watch porn? This is somehow worse than people who watches the same superhero movies more than once.

Imagine watching them even once

Wait wait wait is that the "what u do" that she was saying it's better than?

She was replying to the christian's tweet, so probably it.

As if porn isnt difficult to find on the fucking internet

Unlikely unfortunately. Any coomer worth their title likely has terabytes saved up.

but you can only watch those fish squirm inside the Japanese teen's asshole so many times before you get bored of it

Uncomfortably specific, I've seen that video (but of course did not masturbate to it)

I saw Mr. Hands. Did you see Mr. Hands?

Of course

You do know that pornhub is not the only porn site, do you?

I was unsure about a porn ban before but you sold me on it.

there would be mass suicides of coomers



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why would anyone need porn just find someone you love who loves you back and have sex with them lol it's not that hard

This but unironically. Most inc*ls are volc*ls.

Why would you want to do that though. Have you met women?

Never stay with one more than 3 months. Best advice I ever got.

damn your mums never adopted you for more than 3 months? rough

My mom regularly locked me in a room and beat me. She wouldn’t stop until I hit yer back, then she would tell everyone that I like to hit my mom.

Imagine putting up with women.

She wouldn’t stop until I hit yer back, then she would tell everyone that I like to hit my mom.


Well yeah. Never again.

I empathize deeply with the how can she slap guy. My sister once complained to my parents about me spraining her wrist because she was grabbing my collar and I twisted away from her to break free.

here's the new "best advice you ever got": let bussy into your life


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I fucked a ladyboy once. If they can pass as women and don’t have a hairy ass then I’m down.

Currently pondering whether this is unironically the way forward.

that's trussy, but you do you brother

why would anyone need porn just find someone you love who loves you back and have sex with them lol it's not that hard

This will be remembered when you try to crowdsource your #metoo legal defence fund.


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And its a good thing.

Zehr Gut

Sounds like a win win

If Indian coomers didn't commit suicide over nationwide porn ban which I think is the largest coomers community due to their illegal pre marital sex. That makes the whole post irrelevant.

Growing up, I never would have believed that one day I'd need a computer just to masturbate.

I'm confused about this pornhub Cheese Pizza stuff. Is it really an issue or is it something the media is blowing out of proportion?

Guess it's time to ban pornhub then. Coomer doomer 2020

Imagine saying “if pornhub was gone, people would kill themselves” and still not realizing that coomerism is a mental illness.

I want porn to be banned, mainly because of the drama.

Think of the poor furries!

Imagine being so addicted to something that simply being cut off from your fix was enough to make you kill yourself.

coomers: worse than fentcels