
1  2020-05-25 by Mayos_side


I wonder how many of these r-slurs let people live with them for free? Oh wait, they just virtue signal with no real follow up.

The venn diagram for chapos bitching about rent and chapos living in LA or NYC is a perfect circle.

What does that post even have to do with enlightened centrism?

"Enlightened Centrism" here means "Commies getting mad at everyone that isn't an avowed fascist, including slightly different commies"

It got overrun by Chapos. r/dirtbagcenter is the spiritual successor.

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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Holy shit this dude types 5 essays a day every fucking day of the week. Next level schizoposting

And he sources every damn claim, like anybody wants to engage with that.

We need him.

He has his own subreddit too. He wanted to start a reddit following but utterly failed at r/Constitution_Oath.

This is the type of person that should own firearms IMHO. That way we can learn from their mistakes

Lol joined


housing in one of the most desirable and expensive cities in the world is a HUMAN RIGHT

Unoccupied homes outnumber homeless people. Why is anyone okay with that?

Because I hate the homeless.


Feed them to the hungry?

Two bids with one stone! You're welcome.

Well if you weren't rëtarded and did one minute of research you'd know that 90% of issues related to housing prices and the housing market is RENT CONTROL

If there was no rent control, these issues would no non existent.

And I'm not sure what you think should happen... let homeless fent addicts live in mansions for free? Lmao I wonder what'd happen....

I’m too lazy, can you briefly explain how rent control fucks over prices?

Thomas Sowell's basic economics has a great example for laymen on this (https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Economics-Citizens-Guide-Economy/dp/0465081452)

Essentially it creates artificial scarcity due to people keeping way larger apartments than they otherwise would, because there is no economic choice to make since your rent actually goes UP if you move to a smaller place once the kids move out or whatever.

Depending on the specifics it could also prevent affordable housing from being built since it's wildy unprofitable and construction firms only build apartments exempt from rent control, like in NY in the past where "luxury" apartments were exempt from rent control and therefore boomed in supply because it was the only profitable type of housing for construction firms.

If you don't intervene in the housing market, supply and demand will find an equilibrium between availability and cost.



Because the owners of those homes and the people living in those neighborhoods don't want them to turn into meth houses.

Because I work hard and want to own multiple homes? Why is that an issue? Is there a limit on any number of possessions I can own?

well, there’s a limit of how many slaves you can own apparently 🤷‍♂️

Fucking overbearing state.

Because the unoccupied homes are in places people don’t want to live. Are we supposed to pick them up and put them where the homeless are? Think about what your saying for fucks sake.

So what you're saying is that if we just took the unoccupied homes and gave them to the homeless people, homelessness would be cured?

Poor people lmao

I literally killed a homeless person today (I’m self defense because he was on the sidewalk) and I’ll tell you it felt great


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That sub almost feels like it has to be satire, but I don’t think it is. The use of landchad and rentoid is really something.

Jesus lol

How do these people function irl?


Hence the everything about them

They don’t leave the internet.

They don't.


I think you know the answer to that question.

renthogs never learn

new breed of assholes with negative self-awareness. I'm really unsure how to take it.

im gonna need a break

Love for landlords is posting in bad faith because they don’t use /s

Don’t even get me started in the straw mans

You didn't use uj/ /rj/ so I can't tell which parts of your comment are sarcastic. YTA!

Spoiler alert: it's not

Lmao they’re so confident in themselves when they can’t even see simple satire. Absolutely incredible

Taking on the risk of buying a property is not labour

/r/conspiracy is more grounded in reality than labour theory of value.


we could easily feed and house and otherwise provide for our entire population today, except then some people who didn't "earn" that would get something, and a large part of this country just couldn't fucking handle that.

ironically, we have this thing called welfare and it does exist in the form of section 8 and food stamps

Do they expect meth-head Matt to get a 2 story home with an all-access pass to Chik Fil A?

an all-access pass to Chik Fil A

I want one.

Sure but you have to fast on sunday.

Oh sorry, I thought I lived in AMERICA? Fasting? What is this? Canada??

I'd seriously be ok with that.

No because Chik Fil A is homophobic. What if Matt is LGBTQIA+





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I know these people don't own property or understand money at all but it's probably 10 times more expensive to let a homeless person live in your house for free.

Cømmies need to drink bléach

Wow, that post got replies on par with r/BanVideoGames . It had a slow start but is consistent Chapo baiting finally taking off?