Dark-skinned joggress mad x24 and jealous of good looking light-skinned blacks and biracials - "YOU ERASE US"

1  2020-05-25 by Ghost_from_1947


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lmao get BLEACHED

Lmfaooo I think the funniest part of all this shit is how I didn’t realize black dudes are losing interest in black women. Dated a black women and was surprised to hear she actually doesn’t like dating black dudes. Thought it was just her at first then I dated a few more and they all pretty much say the same thing.

No idea why black women were ever loyal to black men, as a demographic kangs are easily the most rampant philanderers in human history. Even pajeets mostly stop sticking their dick in everything once married.

Well to be fair, I think the government is what is actually wrong with the black community in America. Before they started giving welfare checks out like candy that targeted black people the most, a black couple actually had lower rates of having a child out of wedlock than white people.

But now it’s completely reversed and they’re nowhere even close to m*yos. Black people do have to take responsibility for their actions but we can’t ignore how the government is the one tempting them to ruin their lives and community with the shit they offer them.

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Dark-skinned joggress mad x24 and j... - archive.org, archive.today

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There are two things you need to know about her before you read any of her comments.

  1. Im Nigerian canadian

  2. I’m Canadian but I think the term "Ya’ll ”is cute

She's very defensive about the pubes on her head.

Hair isn’t just hair to black people

I had an Indian girl with 3b hair call her hair "nappy" once and I wanted to be sick.

Astrological hot takes.

I'm a pisces rising too! I like my big lips and big eyes haha

I wonder what else is in Tony’s chart. He gives me Gemini vibes.

Makes sense, Caps are stereotypically considered super hard working, measured and ambitious which are traits that will get you past the merge. Being emotional (Scorpio) and hot-headed (Sags) not so much.

She's woke af on the jogger question.

Black men r@pe, mol*st and murder black women with impunity

These nasty m@les are aggressive and unhinged. A similar thing happened to be in broad daylight in London, I fear from my life. There's simply nothing worse than an ill-bred, entitled black m@le with nothing to lose.

It's a real thing. Look it up, there are studies. Black men abuse and mol*st at high rates and these are the results.


Same can be said about black men. Ugly, broke, conquered men who can do nothing for me but make my kids ugly


Well how will black women love themselves when men like you run around the internet calling us manly and masculine? ... We owe you nothing, not our love, not our time and definitely not our wombs.

Even after reading all that, you'll never guess which men she prefers dating.

![As someone who mostly dates white men](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkCupid/comments/b7x5l0/matches_and_race/es0pac2/)!<

Soul Sista is also woke on other types of colored men but is attracted to bug people.

Dating an arab guy once told me everything I needed to know. Never again.

I heard good and bad things about Latinos, but I haven’t had any real experience with them. I usually date European guys but I’ve been disgusted by them lately. I don’t date black men at all. Hello no to Asians, Indians and Middle Easterner. The first two are super racist with super racist families. Indians perhaps the most unattractive and rapey. I find Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese guys attractive, but it won’t happen.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was "male feminism"


Lastly, presented without comment.

I'm a black, f*male genius and sometimes I feel isolated

Good job bobby, here's a star

I am a bot.

Unironically a good effortpost. OP, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Hello no to Asians, Indians and Middle Easterner. The first two are super racist with super racist families. Indians perhaps the most unattractive and rapey.

thinking emoji

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Sounds like she just wants to get bleached.





🏀🇺🇲's have literally circled back to the one drop rule

Look me in the eye and tell me horseshoe theory is bunk.

These heathens need to leave our queen alone.

archive link since the jögga gússy edited all her comments to "delete" to hide them

lol somebody archived her previous comment.

Kinda feel bad for her for being so invested in her race.

Guess you missed the part where she’s takes every opportunity to dunk on black m*ids.

I saw that thread. Still feel bad because such hostility likely originated from own insecurities.

Mmmmmm maybe, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Seems black people have an incredibly destructive culture. Really sad to see, I unironically blame the government for this.

He's not half white tho she's half jewish which makes her Superior

My biggest takeaway from this is that she is only half black, I find that hard to believe. Apparently she got all the melanin related genes from her mother.

Why do you think she’s only half black?

It says she's half white in the OP

They’re referring to Doja Cat or whoever, not this African Queen.

I was referring to Doja Cat, she's half black

I really don't care what were you referring to, I don't think anyone does.

Well that's just like, your opinion, man.

Who's doja cat and why is she causing so much trouble for mulattoes?

Who the fuck is ravnos 1

There’s no way that broad doesn't have an account over at Lipstickalley. Her ideology and talking points mirror those insane women near exactly.