Clementine Ford thinks men aren't dying fast enough from the 'Rona

1  2020-05-26 by -OrganisedChaos-


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I'd like to have angry sèx with hér

Take note kîngs and qweens(male). This is how you rustle fèmoid jimmies lmao

Feminism is not exactly left wing. Yes a lot of lefties are feminists but feminism is a social issue and therefore not something that's exclusive to those on the left.

i really hate this website

I mean he’s not wrong but the idea that Clementine is somehow conservative, or that right wing feminists are anything more than a fringe party like nazbols is utterly laughable

Sorry sweaty, but if your feminism isn't intersectional feminism; if you don't believe socially awkward men are literally the same as women; if you don't believe that the goal of femininism is equality for every gender, well, you are by definiton a nazi.


Islam isn't really right wing. It's just based. Mandatory conversions for all kuffir women.

between jokes that punch up and down is the reality of harm. Eg joking about firing men into the sun has no basis in reality and therefore no potential to further harm, while “jokes” about domestic abuse are very much reflective of an extensive harm already in place.

She should try being a man fighting for custody of his children or accused of sexual assault on a college campus.

“Nooooo you can’t punch up at a rich white woman, only down at black men dying from corona”

Reminder that whte womn are the most privileged people on the planet.

This bushpig serves as a mascot to remind the rest of the world that Australia is full of human memes too,

not just the cool uncle we try to pose as.

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Clementine Ford thinks men aren't d... -,

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wh*te men, maybe

Unfortunately when white feminists think of killing men it’s always a fantasy of Indian and black men dying. She wouldn’t support the mayocide manocide 😭

absolutely haram


It feels like we haven’t progressed since 2016. Some YouTube leftoids are currently complaining about some nobody called Chris Ray Gun not apologising for his old gamergate videos, and Clementine Ford is still grifting.

What I find incredibly hilarious is that this incident started because she was complaining about one man having trouble raising an entire household during the corona. Yet she has a son she’s clearly neglecting to tweet all day. It’s amazing how someone can be so rich that they can afford to stay so dense for so long.

There’s an event that happened a while ago where an entire high school hall of girls walked out during one of her talks. Even TEENAGE GIRLS think she’s stupid, and she still thinks her upper class white feminism is popular.

Who the hell names their kid Clementine? Chlamydia would have been better.

I'd like to beat her up in minecraft with my dick.


Imagine how fucked up this idiots kid is going to be. I see a life time prescription to estradiol in his future.

But I also think it’s fair to be angry at the lack of interest in this crisis’ impact on women. To be astonished at how women are expected to perform the essential tasks that allow men to thrive, at the expense of women’s stability, while being denied recognition for that work.

Kills men at a higher rate but woman are the real victims of corona.

Y - The Last Man could become a reality and they'd still think women were the real victims.