Shaun King aka Talcum X caught doing what his kind does best. Stealing.

1  2020-05-26 by unrulyfarmhand


7 former employees paint a darker picture.

Good, he needs it.

He’ll use it as his profile pic.

I'm conflicted. On one hand, dude is a pice of sh1t, but on the other, guillable Berniecels had it long coming.

Typical mayoid creature

Look man, I hate the insinuations you are making.
Yea, this dude seems like a bad apple but there is no need to generalize like that and use hurtful stereotypes.
I'm white too and I have never stolen anything.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Shaun King aka Talcum X caught doin... -,

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i still, to this day, do not see how anyone can look at that dude and think he is blaack

He just trimmed his facial hair to look like a 70s pimp and people actually bought it.

Imagine how much he has to spend on grooming to keep his hair so short that people don't realize it isn't bl*ck hair? He is probably getting 3 haircuts a week.

That widows peak probably gets a daily razor

Unless he's flaring his nostrils 24/7, he does appear to have some West African lineage. I could see his dad being a lightskin black guy who his mom cheated with, as he says.


yeah, really fucking lightskin.

He looks gray

you accidentally added an r there, fella


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flaring his nostrils

Nah it's a jēw nose

That's aquiline, not hooked.

So many scars... He sure was bullied as a kid

There are literally pictures of him as a kid with red hair lol. If he were a rightoid the media would have exposed him years ago.

Lmao, not only is he wh*te, but he's a ginger?

I don’t understand how it ends other than with him getting tarred and feathered.

I don’t understand why he doesn’t just get spray tans.

Tr*mp is more bl*ck than he is.

i still, to this day, do not see how anyone can look at that dude and think he is hwhite

He identifies as black. He is the face of the transracial movement.

C. Thomas Howell was a more convincing black man in the movie "Soul Man"

Yeah white people are known for being pro fund stealers

Mfw a guy who lies about being black and makes a career of lying about race relations turns out to be dishonest when it comes to money.

Along with a host of smaller issues, like having no way for members to reset their own password, members were sometimes double-charged, undercharged, or not charged at all—issues requiring constant fixes, one former employee said. According to that same staffer, there was no terms and conditions form, a serious problem for a company that collects money from people via credit card.

In 2020 you have to be actively trying to sabotage your website to have it be this fucked up. If a guy like Corey Goode can have a bunch of really slick websites about how he's Earth's galactic ambassador to the new age blue avian aliens, it ought to be possible for anyone.

cracker literally stealing reparations from kings

Who would have ever thought the fentanyl AMerican Kentuckian larping as a black guy would use his ‘influencer’ position to commit fraud. I’m honestly shalked!

So he IS black after all.

isn't talcum that stuff that you put on baby bums?