/r/Michigan circlejerks over lockdown extension. Opposing opinions cause thread to get locked. Sort by controversial.

1  2020-05-26 by dreamboat96


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Good, we have to avoid a repeat of the 1918 second hump.

You can't compare it to influenza, but it's ok to compare it to a disease from 100 years ago during a world war.

The fuck does it being 100 years ago have to do with anything?

I'm starting to seriously believe a decent amount of posters are bots on reddit.

Someone in /r/dallas said we'd end up like NYC and asked what exactly was different between Dallas and NYC that would make their infection rate higher. NYC has over 17x the population density, which is still not as dense as the average shitbrained farm animal who frequents city subs.

The disappointment is palpable in every update where the cases are going down and the deaths aren't soaring.

Oh yeah, /r/dallas is turning into /r/C0PEnhagen. They're assuring us that cases will suddenly double in June though. There will be a huge spike due to bars opening even though the spike they predicted after restaurants opened never happened. The funniest was some dude saying deaths would remain constant for at least a year, and when asked for data, he said he was using his own models.

That JimAdlerJTV guy is basically everything wrong with local subreddits rolled up into a neat package.

The /r/Texas is line is that wheel chair is fudging the numbers

Dallas has a slight higher cocaine usage per person as well.

Think about all the drug dealers that are hurting with SMU being closed

Other than population density, what’s to stop Dallas from ending up like an apocalypse movie?

Our public transit is flooded with hobo cum so we drive big trucks instead. It's hot as shit. Covid is scared of our big guns and throbbin' cocks/pussies. We follow the NCA policy (no Chinamen allowed). Besides, Dallas has always been apocalyptic. We don't give a hoot even if it does get worse.

Covid is scared of our big guns and throbbin’ cocks/pussies.

But how about them Cowboys?

Only sport I care about is catchin' the local simpleton and buttfuckin' him, partner.

People are forgetting where the NPC meme came from

*a non-significant number of people are less intelligent than bots

His username has “Science” in it. That means he liked a picture of coronachan on FB and became an expert.

How stupid are we as a nation that somehow we've turned fucking staying inside vs opening up into a political left vs right issue.

yom el qiyamah can't come soon enough

But if we fail to destroy the economy, that just validates the Bad Orange Man.

2 MORE WEEKS, JUST 2 MORE WEEKS IT'S SCIENCE. Unless you want permanent lung damage? Yeah there's literally no proof that covid actually damages your lung in the long term but just stay at home and follow the expert sweetie.

And no, covid*iot, asking old people to just stay at home IS IMPOSSIBLE. Are you going to arrest people based on their age? instead of just arresting everyone outside? Yikes

Lol this is literally "people are thinking for themselves, come lock the thread"

Daily reminder that brigading isn't a real issue and if it were, subs would go private and take applications instead of being completely open

extending a lockdown while also forcing coronavirus patients into nursing homes is based on the data and based on the science.

Uhhh okay but we didn't know a lot about the virus at the time, so why don't you stop blaming Cu*omo et al for doing that? The situation was extremely fluid and hindsight is 20/20. They did their best with the information available at the time and made mistakes.

Also Tr*mp is directly responsible for the 100 000 deaths caused by the virus. He disregarded the huge amount of data we had in the virus at the time and it was very obvious for anyone at the time that his reckless acts would cause this.

We definitely knew it killed old people.

Hey now, we also told the nursing homes to not accept any patients they couldn't care for! So yes, I am blaming the deaths on the nursing homes.

Okay but it's not because the virus showed an extremely high mortality rate the moment it stepped foot in nursery homes across the world that you can assume that the Governor could've known in advance that the same virus would do the same in new york.

Like they just know what's best and what we need to do and if that implies deliberately introducing covid to nursery homes that were able to avoid the virus for weeks then so be it. The elderly living there still need to stay the fuck home.

Btw that's a tired right wing talking point, to negatively bring up italy spain france, the UK , belgium or any european country that isn't Sweden just to deflect from the fact that the USA has been the worst country to deal with this. The numbers don't apply to them because it's just different and pure whataboutism to compare the numbers.

The elderly living there still need to stay the fuck home.

Reality happens to be even more rеtarded than your best attempt at pretending to be rеtarded lol:

Relatives of the 75-year-old man who was brutally beaten inside the Westwood Nursing Center began to suspect something was wrong because they couldn't get in touch with him and they said neither could staffers at the Veterans Hospital.

What they now know is that, for some reason, the Army veteran was taken from his apartment in Detroit to the Westwood Nursing Center on Schaefer on the city's west side.

Yeah and in the video the worst part (a part from the elder abuse) is that he is literally not isolated at all. I thought they at least tried to isolate the transferred patients from the nursery population but the lunatic was allowed to sit right next to prime covid prey with no mask, literally nothing to protect the poor granpas around.

All jokes aside, it's legitimately revolting especially when you get the same people in charge who were responsible for those policies trying to convince us that some dude walking in the park is acschually the real problem. "Uhhh why do u need to walk in the park anyways? Uhh covid patients innursery homes? Nice whataboutism. Stay at home karen".

I only skimmed your posts so forgive me if I got the wrong impression, but what data was there that showed being on the receiving side of frequent and intense pegging led to almost total immunity to the virus?

Again, it's late and I only skimmed your text so I might have missed your sources for that, but I'm assuming it's based off of your personal experience.

You uneducated swine. Can you please..and I doubt if you can.... provide me sources where pegging doesn't lead to immunity? Jesus...get an education.


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How is this controversial, are drama-t*rds just this bad at reading sarcasm these days? We need a purge

to negatively bring up italy spain france, the UK , belgium or any european country that isn't Sweden just to deflect from the fact that the USA has been the worst country to deal with this.

Taiwan, SK, and Japan all have orders of magnitude less cases and deaths per capita than the U.S. We had weeks to watch them and prepare ourselves. I don't think we can come close to matching them for any number of reasons, but I'm not thrilled with the results of the U.S. response, either.

a guy with your reading skills would do great defending games in /r/BanVideoGames

What are you talking about, NY got hit with a completely different strain of covid-19 than they had in China, which is more deadly. Also the CDC is to blame for instructing doctors and nurses to put people on ventilators when front line workers were telling them it was killing the patients. Kinda funny how we were so desperate to make ventilators and there was never going to be enough, and now we dont hear a peep about them.

The situation was extremely fluid and hindsight is 20/20


He disregarded the huge amount of data we had in the virus at the time

So which is it? is hindsight 20/20 or does that only apply when it fits your narrative?

How do you not get he's being sarcastic

Because most redditors are actually that stupid and you can't read tone.

keep on trying, you'll figure it out one day.


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Friendly reminder to upvote the lolcows, for they inherit the earth.

Giantfoamhat I'm not talking to you, if since you're confused.

lmfao imaginw thinking I'm the lolcow when you fall for the most obvious bait from a drama user with "anarcho a utsm" as a flair 😳

What made you think that I was talking to you? Auti sm.

sorry, covid deniers (covi diots) like the other dude get me angry and aggressive.

Wow, stop trying to compare cuomo to Tr*mp. Cuomo was literally on the frontlines everyday, on the television, talking to us.

And again, if Trmp didn't accept to send a few thousands of the ventilators to new york in the first place *they wouldn't have been used and they didn't tell the governors how dangerous they were. Btw wdym, it's not because they kill people that we don't need them, like that's again a tr*mpist talking point to excuse for the fact that we had the least ICU equipment in the world if we exclude places like asia, africa, and europe.

Btw you should try toning down the whistleblow, every one can hear them. Trying to link the virus with ch1na just because the virus came from Ch1na doesn't fool anyone at this point.

You're really bad at this. Just stop.


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Lazy bait

Exactly, was just exaggerated sarcasm but he still took the bait 🥱


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i-i fell for it but just intentionally, and y-you are bad at this because i only fell for it once

Ironic seething is still seething tho

The sheer amount of people not realizing this is sarcasm. Where am I, SRD?


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Daily deaths in America are around 500 now. Not that numbers or facts matter to these people.

So the curve is flattened and hospitals are in no danger of being overwhelmed. This means we all have to stay inside indefinitely for some reason

for some reason

To own the conservatards, duh

I'm not conservative but consider me owned. My mental health has taken a serious hit in the last couple months. Don't know how these fucking NEETs do it.

The NEETs do it by being really depressed all the time, same as you

It was better when I had a choice not to be like them tbh

Have you considered watching trap porn?

Not jerking off to GTA V strippers like a real man



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