Stupid wizard book Anglo Fõid announces new project, Tr*ñńys & TËRF$ duke it out.

1  2020-05-26 by ToonamiWasted


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The bio-f*id vs. troon argument playing out like it does in literally every reddit thread.

Consider the following: from a medical perspective, a fully-transitioned transwoman is virtually indistinguishable from a cisgender woman who has undergone a hysterectomy

Virtually indistinguishable if you remove the most defining feature. The reddit mind on full display

Indistinguishable except for DNA, bones, muscles, organs, and hormones.

Any woman that has ever been at-risk for prostate cancer isn't a real woman.


Virtually in distinguishable besides the hair growing inside the neo vagina, the feces leaking into the neo vagina and the open wound(neo vsgina) that will close up if you dont regularly stick something in it

If that was actually the case, there wouldn't be a controversy.

She has a history of liking tweets

Pretty much sums up the whole thread.

She has publicly supported a number of TĕRFs. Her crime is more one of passive support, than outright aggression to Tŕans people, but supporting an oppressor is still an act of oppression.

Ah, yes. The great oppression by being made fun of on social media for not passing by fat chicks.


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Thread is full of normies running around in confusion as they are bombarded with meaningless made-up terminology, fantastic.

femminists who don't support transs rights.

Not real femminists.

who knew that to be a real femminist you have to support more rights for men

A lesbian feminist that does not suck shenis is neither a lesbian nor a feminist.

Or a w* man

I love gatekeeping

Same thing happens on every post connected to her, however remotely (eg. original artwork of the Ravenclaw common room? Let's discuss Rowling's transphobia!) It's impossible to discuss her writing on reddit anymore.

i wasn't sure who i disliked more until i read this comment, now i might like the screeching baboons more than the infantile adults, damn

Wait didn't making dumbledork g@y make her the woque queen? Did she loose all the money woque points already??

Cancelled by troons somehow.

Ah troons! The top triangle of oppression pyramid

Right? I thought the only people that disliked JK were fans of harry potter and normal people.

But... I do... I... and I am... aah, bollocks.

read another book

She only had him "come out" years after the books were out and he was long dead. People saw it as tokenism.

She also started talking about wizards shitting on the floor and people assumed she lost her marbles.


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Transbians hate c!s g@y men

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Stupid wizard book Anglo Fõid annou... -,

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Does anyone of consequence or that matters even in the slightest care about this 🤔

Finally redditors can read a different childern book

For a second I found myself being sympathetic to her (based), then I remembered her response to the Labour AS thing in 2018/2019, there is no limit to the amount of shit she deserves.


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To be fair, more TURFs than not are straight trad women


"Straight trad" is like saying "square cube" or "round circle"

Saying "TURFs are straight trad women" is like saying "dry water that is wetter than the ocean"