Queen of New-Zealand proposes internet filters and takedown notices for bad content

1  2020-05-26 by ChineseCartoons-


they're still ass-blasted that the owner of the farms told them to get fucked lol

It must suck to live in a third world country.

I wonder if it was this way before the day the may0s claimed it for their own? I suspect it was. How do you undiscover and unclaim a landmass? Day of the doomsday volcano when?

I wonder if it was this way before the day the may0s claimed it for their own?

Well I don't think the Maori were passing internet censorship legislation...

Agree to disagree on that

Title should read:

Queen of NZ forcibly inserts blue-pill rectal suppositories to general populace. Anything deemed "Alt-Right" or "Red-pill" to be seized for terrorist material.


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Queen of New-Zealand proposes inter... - archive.org, archive.today

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I want to see le Redditeurs' take on this news, since she's one of their chosen few of fashionable and acceptable world leaders, and internet censorship is something that makes them seethe more than no other.

The way Reddit works means that it will never be discussed anywhere, because it only has to trigger 50% of the people viewing it (for any reason) and it's gonna stay at 0 points and be seen by no-one.

They don’t care, censorship of what they deem “hate speech” is good to them


She has an 82% approval rating. NZ has eradicated their Coronachan visit. What have you done lately?

An island that is frequently left off maps didn't get the rona? How did such an essential hub of commerce not get exposed?

An island primarily visited by ausposters and CCP agents? Yeah, no risk of contamination there, clearly.

They have had a little over 1,500 confirmed cases total - and thanks to actually trying rather than flailing around and hitting themselves in the face (like certain other anglosohere counties) they are now free of new cases.

My undying respect to the based kiwis. They have some odd customs, but they have proven themselves the least tàrdëd of the anglos. As low a bar as that apparently is.

There is nothing Anglo about New (((Zionland)))

I'll have you know that it is the Wangs who own all our shit.

Anyone who thinks NZ has performed better than other countries has zero idea what they are talking about. They went into lockdown pretty much the same time everyone else did. Also Northern Territory has had 21 cases in total and zero deaths, why don't we celebrate them being the best at preventing Corona? Its because geographic factors play much more than political response. Although, QLD Australia has a million more people than NZ and has 500 fewer cases.

Not fucked sheep

Strikes one and two, pal

lets see their economy in 6 months lmao I'm sure this tiny island that needs tourists will be booming after locking it down for half a year

No dumb dumb. Obviously people will plan for 14 days of quarantine upon arrival. Your two weeks in middle earth turns into a month with half of it being stuck inside a small hotel room.

New Zealand will be fine. They are not more reliant on tourism than southern Europe or GB.

Unfortunately all those sheep and shit they have will work in their favor since they can keep selling it.

Sucks they'll get a knock from the cops every time they view some "illegal material" online now though lol



I have literally never heard of new zealand before today

New Zealand has an actual queen, u mongoloid

New Zealand already has a queen tho


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Liz is the queen of NZ you rêtãrd

Chinese colony


Does this Kiwi not know that VPNs exist to get around web filters?

She kind of looks like an uglier alice cooper