Gender Studies students and Football Chad wage campus war in the comments section

1  2020-05-27 by HayaiUnten


under the influence of marijauna or methamphetamines


Sounds like someone doesn't understand the danger of jazz cigarettes.

Although friends and family filled in details of Eugene's life, the reason for the attack remains unclear. Eugene, 31, employed at a car wash at the time, was a divorced former high school football player with a series of petty criminal arrests from age 16, with the last in 2009. While police sources speculated that the use of a street drug like "bath salts)" might have been a factor,[3] experts expressed doubt, since toxicology reports were only able to identify marijuana in Eugene's system

Crazy that they legalized it and PCP is still illegal FFS. We need common sense drug control.

EDIT: To be clear we should legalize PCP

We should just legalize cannibalism and save a step.

No laws against it.

I fucking love pcp.

wait... Sorry, i love icp. My bad.

Whoop whoop

Something has changed in r/drama the last day or two, and I'm not sure if it's leftoids or rightoids to blame or perhaps some other henceforth unknown group of slurs.

Look at all those downvotes on perfectly usual drama-bait comments. Who is doing this?

When the drama is coming from inside the house people stop ironic posting and their true feelings come out

Based and wisdompilled.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Gender Studies students and Footbal... -,

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*wannabe joggers and popo penis loving rightoid


Weed = Meth, this amazing understanding of nuance make me realize why Burgerland is the best.

Don't blame burgers , even we fires them, blame MDEfuges. Memes where a mistake to gen Z society.
