A bunch of k!ds arguing whether p*rn is good or not

1  2020-05-27 by SonicLover8000


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everyone in that thread is a pedophile between the age of 35 and 60

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. A bunch of k!ds arguing whether p*r... - archive.org, archive.today

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Remember kids, sex is bad and sexual urges are a dangerous addiction.

10 or 20 years ago I wouldn't have predicted a resurgence of sexual conservatism in 2020.

sex =/= porn you r-slur


That sub feels like such a liability. I'm honestly surprised that Reddit allows it to remain, it's an absolute time bomb for some heinous scandal.

I've had this thought so many times. How is this sub NOT creating huge drama weekly?

Imagine blaming a website for your shitty parents and lack of self control

I'm 19. I first saw porn when I was 10. It's been a problem ever since.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Porn A Problem Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Same with heroin, Like Nigga Just Close Your Veins Haha

I started watching porn when I was 12 I'm 14 now

Daily reminder that reddit consists of big brain children who think their experiences are indicative for the rest of society.

He's 14, he's probably full swing into puberty lmao.