1  2020-05-27 by MikealaHunt


I want to laugh at this and make fun of it, but that kitchen is just too depressing.

these photos look like they were edited in the same style as that recent hbo chernobyl show

also good on ya mike. I got some guy to post nudes of his old lady here one time.

I was kinda floored by it. I wanted to laugh but the reality in those photos is too bleak. Nice job still Mike.

MIC-KAY-LA. I swear to god you r*tards cannot read 🤬

Thank you mike

Mods! Ban this man!

wait are you not a mod?

No I just suck a few dicks here and there for special treatment 🤗

you suck jannie d!ck for jannie favors?

do you know what they get paid? at least wh0res make money...off people who make money...

Pls no bully 😭



lmao how many is that for you? at least three that I can think of

Oh buddy, you got no idea

I have lost a few good accounts to unfortunate circumstances recently. Do you also find it difficult to slip back into character when forced to make a new account?

Its as if the weight of all my hilarious comments gives me extra confidence, and without them I feel like a pleb.

The trick is to never be the same person

wait r u mikehuntisanasshole

No I'm Mikeala Hunt. Pronounced mic-kay-la. Get it right sweaty

what happened to romulus

Idk but I miss my sweet boy 😭

IP ban. The ban was for Kaiser, but since tsar was r-slured enough to lend "dude n*gger lmao" an alt account he became collateral damage. RIP😭😭😭

if he was dumb enough to lend someone a reddit account for shitposting it was deserved. i will miss our tzar tho, rest in paradise

What r-slurs, an ip ban isnt even hard to get around lmao


He became my best friend. Kaiser.

Good one, brother!

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Augustus-Romulus account is around but nothing posted in drama. Does r/drama still require accounts to be 3+ months old?


Definitely a rentcel kitchen 🤮


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his old lady here one time.

You got sauce for that

That niggå has a meth addict kitchen

oh our fridge was being replaced after not working all month this morning so all the shit's everywhere in that tiny space, yeah.

kinda a hassle having to go get food every time we eat with the corona shit. but the new fridge is pretty nice tho

Why would you choose to post your meth kitchen? If you wanted to show hope normal you are, you did not succeed, shoulda just posted one of those weird family Christmas cards or something.

i can't help how small the kitchen is man i didn't built it

You could help where you took the picture lmao.

well i guess i could have but i didn't want to get up from my chair

plus then i couldn't have thrown in the low-hanging sandwich joke

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you put in zero effort because now I can imagine that you are shitposting between intense meth fueled bouts of domestic violence with Martha who's mad because you cut the heroin wrong and ruined her high.

You could stop being poor

do you force her to roleplay as poison ivy

hell yeah

hey btw is that show any good? i just saw that scene with harley and the 'old whyte m3n' on the boat and i cringed so hard i had to turn it off

That scene was noticeably cringy, but the show in general is pretty good. Like mid tier Adult Swim. I've only seen half of it, however.

That's what I said 😂

Why is she making a sandwich in the bathroom?

Chill man hes disabled

technically true

Oh ok

She has a homemade meth haircut as well. If my wife did that to her hair I’d leave and take the kids.

This nigga living in a minimum wage apartment.

sub full of NEETs complaining this boy's apartment isn't as spacious as their minecraft base and his wife doesn't wear a Japanese school girl outfit like their anime girls.

Granted she couldn't fit in one.


well maybe just a half step up from that but pretty much yes. surprising amount of floor space everywhere else...


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im 23 and this is the kind of shit that motivates me to work hard to not end up like this! bless ya


Good luck zoomer.

Bless. Worst depression in 100 years incoming. These people's lives will look like a fairytale compared to what's in store for you.

😂 Imagine being a zoomer in 2020 fucking yikes.

Just two more weeks.

You play vidya. It's already over.

bless ya

Never gonna make it.

she's 24 so i hope you got a real headstart man

Well you've got about two years left to turn shit around, my friend.

Your born a peasant with a number on the bottom of your foot that lets you register for food line priority depending on your marx percentage of oppressed skin tone.

The photo doesn’t go low enough to see her penis 😔

honestly her cl!t really is probably bigger than some dram@utists c0cks

I am disgusted

At your own pathetic noodle I'm sure

it's not the length it's the girth :/

Ok tuna can 😂

Stop being a slacker and start jelqing. your hog will not grow bigger by itself.

This is one of my fetishes so I approve.

hell yeah

that made her feel a little better about body so kudos

Tell her that I'd love to suck on her big clit. No homo.


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Is she circumcised?

Prove it

Well practically speaking, I'd need a picture of the smallest cock on /r/drama as a sample

Use yours lmao, she probably has a bu$$y anyways

no mine is two inches above average, that's why I have a pretty younger wife. it's like a baguette

also i know you won't believe me but i am really very striking

let's use yours

Check my flair. We got to use someone else’s

That clit is probably a d*ck... unless you can show that it’s not

I too am saddened 😭

I asked and she approves of this.

I just coomed to your wife

i'm comfortable with that, she's flattered

You're wife is actually pretty cool tbqh

She looks like perfectly average mayoess, while he is posting her nudes on the internet to the entertainment of r/drama dwellers while waiting for a sandwich she's making him.

Honestly, she could do better than this.

Yeah but he can't

Oof 😬

technically true tho

please don't tell her that

Don't worry, I won't, but I'm pretty sure she's already replied in this thread so it's probably too late 👀

With that said, the fact you don't live with your parents and are (seemingly happily) married already puts you above, well, easily 85% of Redditors. So, you know, you're doing fairly well for yourself as far as I'm concerned.

Hell yeah!

Hope you're happy buddy

this is the happiest i've been since my cat died last week

tho fwiw i have been really really drunk and singing random roy orbison songs for most of that time

drunk and singing random roy orbison songs

Can't go wrong with that


oh hell yes

in dreams, i walk with you...

Glad I could make your day by exposing you as a white trash degenerate bby 😘


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Hot. Is she into feminine penises? Maybe try a little hot-wifing?

definitely not

her only previous relationship was with someone f2m and that really turned her off that whole scene. she's not into c0cks on l@dies

Wow bigoted much?

well it's not like she didn't try it out for...a good 5 years. it's not an irrational fear or based on it being foreign and scary.

but yeah i think it might technically qualify.

Technically is good enough for me

So she's a converted TER.F. I wonder how GenderCritical would feel about this.

well she definitely wouldn't call herself a f3menist anymore either, so they'd probably dislike her regardless.

she's pretty awesome really

Rock on, lady. Current year fem3nists are annoying twats.

Her loss


Why did you show me your wife's tits though?



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I don't have anything to contribute aside from to say that I like his flair, for some reason it's really memorable.

Oh come on, I know you got something loaded in the chamber. The great snallygaster is never left speechless

Kite_Man's kitchen looks like the kind of place where police would find the partially-decomposed hanging corpse of a divorce-raped man during a welfare check

There it is!

hell yeah. i'm still grateful to comedic_sans

also kites are great

Waaaaah rightoids ruining the sub

Oh boy a shitty meta thread for power users to suck each other off better post in there instead of any actual drama threads


Oh yeah suck me off baby 😫

i'm a power user?!

I can't hate too much, there's not enough fine connoisseurs of bush out there and every step towards making them fashionable again is ok in my book.

it is pretty luscious

It’s one of those photos that you can smell

Nice slavic mansion, my dude.

tradchads with sexy younger wives


Ahem, do I not see tattoos on that woman's shoulders? Unacceptable.


Chаd, sure, but I'm like 80% sure I remember him claiming he was once a prostitute

also technically true

i've settled down, but am open to questions about it and the tr@nsition

I also vaguely remember you being gaу at one point, did you honestly give up bussy for some f*mоid? 😯😯

well i am for sure close to half g@y but not like what you seem to mean. i might have described myself as "pretty g@y" or something similar along those lines.

also i come by all the ch@uvinism honestly, w0m3n really can be the w0rst


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why did you retire

i had a spot of medical problems for a while, but mostly because i met a nice l@dy i wanted to be with and didn't really feel like it'd be fair to have my dayjob be "bangin' older l@dies and younger m3n"


well ya got me there pal

All you f@gs shitting on his apartment can go ahead and post house right now. Otherwise you're all fucking N33T losers come at me

How about I come on you?


Happy for him tbh i wish i had a cute gf(male) myself

I'm currently taking applications Alice 😘

Hm now I wanna meet up with him, maybe he's in to 3somes

I tried, his girlfriend is a transphobe 😞

Sounds like she and I have a lot in common

I’m so glad I’m normal and would never ever consider doing something like this

she cute

that haircut is dumb

I did it myself.

Congrats, I hope you learned from it

she didn't

Hol up are you actually her? lmao


Oh man, it just keeps getting better 😂

I thought the joke was that he stole the nude from the internet and that his “wife making him a sandwich” was just his mom.

wife (male)

Seems like the definition of "you dont want a wife, you want a mother than you can fuck"

...because she knows i love sandwiches?

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. HEY EVERYBODY, COME LOOK AT KITE MA... - archive.org, archive.today

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She's literally built for bbc.

she is awfully british

Literally who

would smash