Mayocide Erotica author attacked by furious whites

1  2020-05-27 by unrulyfarmhand


Son of Lebanese & Turkish migrants in Aus.

Hmm a Turk,

that's pretty brave of him to be so judgmental about the Mayo's penchant for genocide.

When his own people indulged in The Armenian variety.

And what about the slavery of white people up till the 19th century and could this have resulted in the slavery of Africans by people angry with such a thing happening to people they know on such a scale, heard about through fireside stories and bar stool chats?

What pissed me off is that no one ever talks about how white people have always had guns and before that it was swords and shields and that that is probably what has protected them for the last three thousand years.

Cry more

After you... Imagine being chained to a galley rowing seat for 19 years straight. Fun times.


Europeans sometimes attempted to buy their people out of slavery, but no real system emerged before around 1640. Then the attempts became more systematic and were sometimes state subsidised, as in Spain and France. Almost all the actual work, however - from collecting the funds, to voyaging to Barbary, to negotiating with the slave owners there - was carried out by clergy, mostly members of the Trinitarian or Mercedarian orders.

Parish churches too, all over Spain and Italy, kept locked collection boxes marked 'for the poor slaves', with clerics constantly reminded their wealthier parishioners to include ransoming societies in their wills; slave-redeeming confraternities also sprouted in hundreds of cities and villages. Ransoming slaves was promoted as being one of the best of the charitable works a Catholic could perform


I'm honestly disguisted


No forgiveness for their shit job

As a white person, I am in the back corner of the room, nodding approval. Silently. So as not to silence any voices of color. I turn the light off so y'all can't even see me. I'm still nodding approval in the dark. I won't talk over anyone. No one need listen to me. Nodding appro


Lmao it immediately mentions his Müslim relative getting head from a dude what the fuck.

When all the wh--ite people die(inshallah), where we find dick sucking twinks? 🤔

Middle East- same places Buslims have already been using

Same place we do now, Asia.

Fucking haram


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cousin bilal praising Allah while eating Big Macs and fucking twink bussy

Why is this not the sub’s official book already?

That 1st page - lmao

You know right away, Bilal is actually him.

On a somewhat serious note, who the fuck opens a story like that... oh, man... we are so fucked.

I literally can’t imagine anyone who would enjoy more than a couple of those first sentences, actually reads books lmao. Imagine reading that first page and thinking like “yeah I want 200 more pages of this” 😂

I can't see his tweets so I can't confirm it for myself – does he have a weak chin?

got the robert z'dar vibes, chicks dig it

got that Al Borland chin, about to kick off suck my Tool Time

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Just fucked your mom again fyi

Do these people know writing books fantasising over the Mayocide is gonna annoy people or are they really that dense?

Are any of the other 11 authors interesting twinks like this guy or are they just your run of the mill middle class kid pretending they’rena revolutionary?

Personally I think his book and celebrations like this are too early, and full of hubris.