Protester in Minneapolis have now begun destroying police stations

1  2020-05-28 by ShemaleSlammer


These are the same people calling you a murderer for going grocery shopping

Lmao you think some ghetto negro is the one telling you to stay home?

this is a stunning and brave comment


Yeah, no lie.

2 hours ago

to those who riot tonight: we salute you


4 days ago:

100,000 people have died in the US from covid-19. That's more than the number of American soldiers who died in Vietnam, Iraq & Afghanistan COMBINED. But please, feel free to not wear a mask. After all, a single death is a tragedy. A hundred thousand is a statistic.



Profile: PhD Candidate (Land, Law, Lahore) @univeristyofoxford ex @harvard_law. Marxist ‘Bernie Bro’ Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.


The Marxist has no principles. They temporarily pretend to have principles to emotionally manipulate the masses towards socialism. That is their only and inevitable goal.

There isn’t even any inconsistency there.

Imagine unironically being dumber than a Marxist.

Why are Marxists always the ones pursuing advanced degrees in a broken capitalist education system? Seems to go against their moral code.

Just as groomers reproduce by grooming children, Marxists reproduce by indoctrinating collegetards. They are just ensuring the continuance of their people and a future for the anorexic.

"no ethical consumption under capitalism" checkmate bootlicker

You need a severe lack of critical thinking skills to be a marxist in the first place.

I would say you have the dumb marxists, and then the academia types who believe in a collectivist morality where nobody without ‘power’ is responsible for the own actions, and if they can’t have the good life, you shouldn’t be able to either.

These academics see themselves as the commissars that will match the products of the strong with the needs of the weak, even if it means everyone has less.

When these efforts fail and wreck a country to the point where children starve (think V.e.n.e.z.u.ela), they blame the failure either on capitalism or failures of the human heart. They think everything can be deconstructed, including human nature, so that the world can be created in utopia.

Even this twittard I posted has many praises of Hugo Chavez if you look back across her tweets.

She unironically advocates for starving children if it means Marxism can be implemented.


PhD Candidate

AKA: Doesn't have a PhD.

ex harvard law

first time ive seen someone being proud of dropping out of uni

Crazy how many disgusting fellas that say "why not just wear a mask?" are the same guys that are trying to bust in my ass without a condom on because "it feels better".


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Who is saying you aren't allowed to buy groceries?

Please wear a mask and practice social distancing when destroying your local police department

Wait, liberals told me protesting was a dumb thing to do during lockdown.

It is dumb. This is dumb too.

Perhaps more understandable and less Karen, but still dumb.

‘They’re wearing masks’

I’ll guess we’ll see a spike soon 😉

TheJune numbers are going to be terrible

liberals are dumb

They would join in. Target fucks those f*gs even harder.

I'm not sure what the * is for in that word? Is it fog? Fug?

Fug located.




Its over for targetedcels

get fucked middle class shopping center

them televisions should stop resisting

Wow I'm so glad my tax dollars are going toward repairing looting damage in the middle of a pandemic. They sure did show us taxpayers

Wow I'm so glad my tax dollars are going toward repairing

Yeah wtf i pay taxes to bomb brown people now this shit

Yeah wtf i pay taxes to bomb brown people now this shit

This but unironically.


Really weird how chapos are not shrieking about the lack of social distancing here...

How dare these african americans be racist against poc

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Protester in Minneapolis have now b... -,

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And that's a good thing

And reddit sucks China off so hard, I wonder how its favorite country would be handling this right now....


President Xi Jinping please help the government is killing protesters we need you to intervene to save our human rights, they are using chemical gas.

I'm near ready to at this point as much as i fucking hate what fragile poofs winnie and crew are. At least they know how to deal with rioting ferals.

Cut power and rev up the tanks.

All rioters disappear overnight, a statement the next day announces they've bravely volunteered to give up all their organs.

Peaceful protest has changed nothing. The riot is the cry of the unheard. The city and cops could have prevented this by not lynching.




Does anyone know what the neighberhood is like where they are burning the stores? I'm just wondering if we are going to hear about a "food desert" in a few months now that they burned all the retail stores down.

They ran out of televisions to liberate at Target so now they're trying to see how many they can find at the police station.


My flag boy and your flag boy, were sittin' by the fire. My flag boy told your flag boy, "We're gonna set the cops on fire."

On r/politics they think that the only difference between these protests and the anti-lockdown protests is that the rioters peacefully assembled protestors are black.

um based

And fugees were just whining pigs were getting left out.

Who woulda thought the home of wiggers would be the first to implode.