D*ddy has had enough! Tw@tter has gotten away with it for the last time

1  2020-05-28 by ARMPIT_ENTHUSIAST


This one will be fun to read. He is going to try limit a protection from a law passed by the legislative branch unilaterally as the executive branch based on his previous draft of this one.

Order your popcorn now, dad is big mad and full of stupid.

Lmao I love it, reactionaries and big tech getting into a slap fight, whoever loses we win

He's been sperging about this for years, he's not gonna do shit

This tbh. I'm still waiting for the wall

Accomplish shit? Definitely not. I can fantasize about an end to all blue checkmarks though.

I hate everyone involved in this, so not only do I win regardless of outcome, I get to watch them make idiots of each other.


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. D*ddy has had enough! Tw@tter has g... - archive.org, archive.today

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Muh goberment regulations. Muh free market.

Actually they're targeting a regulation that protects corporations that let them get away with profiting off their users content.


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OK man, at the very least daddy will make them waste a few million dollars on lawyer fees slapping down his EO in court, that's for the good of us all

Sounds like a you problem.



Awe, it’s cute that you think the executive order will be coherent.


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Lol this guy is gonna vote for the sharter sniffer


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someone broke his toy, now you know he is going to have a fit, hahahahahah