“The Next Death Wave from Coronavirus Will Be the Poor, Rural and White” rrrr economy hopes

1  2020-05-28 by cfbWORKING


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The article linked is pretty much entirely horse shit with this dude trying to apply historical anecdotes to the present situation. These people are writing freshman level essays and passing it off as fact.

In reality I think it's a bold move to say that the virus spread through droplets is going to ravage the parts of the country that are, by definition, the least dense in population.



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For Christ's sake. This article has been completely misunderstood.

Every article that a certain segment of this sub doesn't like, gets attacked with the same bogus complaints. "This is a GARBAGE ARTICLE." "This sub sucks." "This isn't about the ECONOMY!" But it is about the economy.

For the umpteenth time, the economy is not just about supply/demand charts and stock prices. It's about much more than that. The article talks about back to work orders, jobs, poverty, the meat industry, etc, etc, etc. throughout.

Second, it's pointing out a blatant example of state-sponsored racism in the United States and the widespread public racism that underpins it. When whites are getting sick, "OMG, let's shut everything down, this is an EMERGENCY!" When blacks and Mexicans are dying, "good. Let the undesirables die - let's get back to work."

This is about the economy, politics, and society - all highly interrelated subjects.

It describes how the system works. White lives matter, black lives don't. This is how the United States has always operated. There's no point denying it.

The article then points out that the same system, which is dead set against public health initiatives, because those require government expenditure rather than enriching corporations, will likely fail the white underclass as well. In other words, it has the potential to backfire - killing the 'wrong' people. The people who wholeheartedly support the system.

The reaction here is not what I expected. I expected Republican whites to read it and realize these policies could backfire, and maybe take another look at how the US economy and government operate, and how the media leads you by the nose. Maybe look in the mirror.

But no. Someone tries to warn you of impending danger, and you dismiss it as fake news. You attack the messenger. No wonder the US failed to act on the WHO's and China's warnings back in January. "Meh. Nothing will happen here. It's just going to destroy China, not us. Fuck China."

It's like 'leopards ate my face'. Still, I didn't expect all the cheering from the other side.

The reaction here tells me the United States will never be able to solve its problems. You'll just keep pointing your fingers at others while problems keep festering, unattended to.

Your pulitzer's in the mail.

Uh oh, we got ourselves an @gend@-poster here, specifically of the WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS breed

It’s a quote from their jannie

How the fuck am I supposed to get Corona on my farm in the middle of nowhere?













The lack of understanding of basic economics in so many of the economics subs really makes me quite irate. We can see this exemplified in the discussion about stock buybacks. No, stock buybacks are not causing the current crisis. No, stock buybacks are not fundamentally different from dividends. Yes, they were illegal until the 80’s but that doesn’t say anything about their economic mechanism. Yes, you are human for wanting to outlaw them again.

Unironically seething right now.

I don’t want them outlawed, but it’s pretty funny watching companies dump billions into them, and then ask for bailouts the moment economic outlook sours.

The companies that are under fire for this (airlines specifically) would be going under even if they didn't buyback the stocks. No company keeps multiple months of operating costs on hand in case of a disaster like this. It's not the airline's fault that travel is restricted. Also, it's not a problem with buybacks in and of themselves. They could have handed out the money in dividends and achieved the exact same result.

And even if it were the case that the buybacks are the problem, what you said is more an argument against the bailout than buybacks themselves.

Meh buybacks are useful in certain cases (like to ward off vulture forms trying to corner voting rights against the other shareholders) but they've certainly been abused last decade or so.

How have they been abused?

Huge tax workaround for c-suite execs and bigger individual investors. Getting that one time rate hit on option agreements instead of constant CG claims can be huge.

That's not a problem with buybacks in and of themselves. It's not the company's fault that buybacks are tax preferred while achieving almost exactly the same thing as dividends on the stockholder's end. Also, tax avoidance isn't abusing the tax system. Why shouldn't companies try to avoid tax?

I think you're getting what I'm saying, its a reg issue

There's a weird attitude in liberal online spaces where if you do the exact thing that the tax code is encouraging you to do, you have somehow both broken the law and stolen from the public.


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coofdoomers are just quivering in excitement at the prospect at a second wave, because then they'll be able to smugly say "told you so"

I've heard "within days there will be a huge second wave" countless times in the past month, on reddit and elsewhere, anytime there is an instance of people not following social distancing guidelines, particularly if there's a rightoid protest (or church) associated with it

we would all be coofing by now if they were right

just the other day I saw someone say "you can't dispute scientific FACTS, and it is a FACT that cases are growing exponentially due to states opening back up", then they backpedaled after I showed them the NYT COVID tracker indicating a downward trend

blind partisanship rots your brain

When Georgia opened up the “professionals” thought there’d be thousands of new cases a day. After a few weeks, there’s fewer daily cases when after than the expected amount with the most stringent lockdown rules.

Yeah, Georgia somehow completely dodged getting any coronavirus cases.

Curiously, and entirely unrelatededly, they have an abnormally large number of "nonspecific pneumonia" deaths and "heart failure" deaths.

Multiple doomers on my region's subreddit, that have been saying we're perpetually two weeks away from being a Mad Max hell-hole unless we stay locked up, have quietly deleted their accounts rather than admit they might have been crying wolf for the past 3 months.

The fucking coverage of Florida was hilarious.

It went from Florida will be ground zero and hotbed next week to Florida was lucky this time.

They keep making excuses for it too. Next it will be that gators and Cubans scare the virus away.

Who is saying there will be a second wave right now? It's expected to happen in November/December

This is the most accurate projection I know of and it's showing a likely peak in July. It takes about a month to hit a wave peak. The second peak will be lower than the first because some people are wearing masks now and still social distancing so the spread will be somewhat dampened despite any reopenings.

Interesting, I was unaware of this projected second peak in July.


Here's where I was getting the winter peak from

Oh we're going to see multiple waves of varying intensity for another year or so. Until we hit herd immunity or get a vaccine. Basically we have to open/close/open/close to balance the needs of the economy versus the strain on the medical system.

This was the original plan and it seems like everyone just forgot about that or something.

The medical strain can be mitigated with masks, social distancing, etc but somehow that's become a political issue because burgers always find a way to make things more retarded.

This has been too civil and informative so, dude bussy lmao

california hospitals are struggling because theyh spent so much capital on covid stuff that they never needed they cant pay their bills


It's incredible how people think this virus is both slow moving, and incredibly contagious.

It’s called they’re r-slurs. “We’re all going to die from the coronavirus! It’s so contagious and deadly!”

Alright, why aren’t there bodies piling up in the streets? Why are hospitals firing their nurses because no one is even coming into the hospitals?

Because we put the country into lockdown, which was supposed to limit our death toll to 1-200k. We’re right on track.

Doomers are dumb, but the “it’s just a flu” people are incredibly fucking stupid.

Putting the country into lockdown was the worst option we could have chose. More people are going to suffer and probably die because of the economic issues that are going to rise up from all this lockdown crap.

If you don’t feel safe, then stay home but don’t force everyone else to stay home with you. I agree doomers are dumb but I don’t care that much when people say “it’s just the flu”. At least those people won’t try to fear monger or harass me for not staying home or wearing a mask everywhere.

We have an immune system for a reason and this is by far the weakest pandemic ever. There’s tons of other crap I can get into that shows this shit is nowhere near serious but I’ve already posted enough WORDS WORDS WORDS.

Lol no

literally just posted this

responds with no real argument

Ahhhh, so you’re a lite doomer?

I’m temporarily overloaded on the stupid. You’ll have to come back later and I’ll mock you for whining about masks - something which doesn’t even affect your quality of life in any real manner.

Where did I whine about masks?? Please point to me where I did.

You’re whining about people harassing you for not wearing a mask which is the same damn thing.

I never said anyone did r-slur, I said at least the “just a flu” people won’t try to harass me. Maybe you should learn to actually read.

So you’re whining about an imagined fantasy. Classic reddit.

Ahhhh so instead of acknowledging you’re a r3tard and misread what I said you’re shifting goal posts, definitely a redd*tor moment.

Also last I checked, people are harassing people for not staying home or wearing a mask. Bare minimum the news media is being a hypocrite and trying to publicly shame people for not social distancing. Also you’re the one mad I won’t wear a mask, cop3 harder though.

Wear a mask, “problem” fucking solved.

Lmao look how mad you are that I don’t wear a mask in public. S33the.


If it makes you feel any better, when I go visit your mother on the corner I use a condom.

Smart, I don’t think she washes her strap-on between sissies, protect your bussy.

Dumbass argument with no witty retorts

The rona can still win the presidency and here's how!!

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. “The Next Death Wave from Coronavir... - archive.org, archive.today

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lmao yah people who play in the dirt and rivers are susceptible to a little coofing



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they really are that stupid meanwhile the vast majority of cases in the US are from people who never left the city limits of the place where they were born.

Its like that world wide

These dumdums really think that catching rona will kill them.

I had it. It was a fever for a day, that's it.

These dumdums really think that catching rona will kill them.

tbh I know it’s probably wrôngthink round these parts and we poke fun at these lôsers, but you’ve got to remember that plèbbit.com has an avèrage ûserbase that’s got a BMÎ of like 35 so that’s why I think you see a ton of these peàrl clûtchers posting “STAY THE FUCK HOME!” shit. The fàts actually have a greater risk of deàth, but that’s a really really good thing if you ask me.

See you in the ICU in six months bro

User reports

1: This is misinformation

Except fats do have a higher risk of death, report retard

Lol I reported this dude because he went through my post history earlier and commented on 4-5 of my posts he bîg angery and I’m on the road today so was hoping one of the jànnies would see and start bûllying him since I couldn’t :(

You reported yourself? I'm so confused

Nvm 😣



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lol no you didn’t. I haven’t heard of any survivors saying they only had a fever for a day and that was it.

You could be asymptomatic and not have any signs but those people don’t just get a fever and that’s it.

How old are you?


Most people who get it, don't know. They don't test everyone and anyone with symptoms is told to stay home. Someone at work also tested positive.

You have no idea what asymptomatic is do you

Yes, I do. I had symptoms. Therefore I am/was not


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