Prime Source of Boomer🧓, Boot🥾, and Rightoid🤬 drama FOUND! Take a peek at the biggest lolcow pasture i've ever seen, with constant slapfighting, namecalling, and other boomerposting.

1  2020-05-28 by ienjoystartingfights



it's a great place to live, everyone is super rich, basically no crime, and the weather is always perfect

if the ol’ rony does its job and kills the old people, then it will truly be paradise. until then - no thanks!

also one of the current sources of drama over there is due to a high schooler getting shot and almost killed in broad daylight in a craigslist deal gone wrong. so might wanna fact check that skipper

damn, I lived there for 5 years and there were almost no happenings at all. Finally the Emerald City has some news

lmao why would u live there voluntarily, one of the most dead cities ive ever experienced

beach and grindr hookups are 11/10 tho

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boomer machine go brrrrrr

Joining ...

Boomoids coping hard with the Wuhan Coof

The Navy doesn't have privates, you dipshit.

tell me why i should care? seriously - give me a single reason why i should remember this stupid lingo and jingoism. all of the military, barring about half of the officers, have the intelligence of apes.

if u join the military u are a war criminal who likes killing people. but i can see by your username that youd prefer to larp as one in a stupid call of dipshits game. #banvideogames

tell me why i should care?

You might not sound quite as ridiculous.


Hi ienjoystartingfights!

This is libel, and harassment - a civil tort, and a violation of the Reddit Content Policies.

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personally, i think both libel AND harassment are cool and ok. as long as you dont support the police.

Trying way too hard right now.

I just got into your facebook group. Shit sucks, it's just normal facebook boomer shit.

Agreed, the first reply was good but after then it was lame. For maximum drama he should drop the username

why would i dox myself on this sub? some of yall are incredibly far removed from reality

room tempature Iq

the point was the username gives away your motives and noone takes you seriously

super clever comeback. pat yourself on the back for that one - havent heard it since the early days of the internet.

i dont really care whether anyone takes this seriously or not tbh, i just think it would be funny if a bunch of dramanauts joined the already volatile discourse.

edit: also my room is currently 101 degrees because my ac is busted, i live in a southern state, and ive moved into my gf’s house for the time being. am i smarter than average now?

and as far as motives - what could you possibly mean? my motives are extremely clear. how was that not given away initially? please re-read what sub youre in. im sorry if you suffer from dyslexia, but that isnt quite my fault.

how is that my fault? scroll some more, start some shit. i gave you the source. do something with your life

again, your username is a call of duty reference. please spend some time tonight reevaluating your life (and at the very least, your online presence/online hobbies). maybe youll move out of mommy’s basement this year!

again, your username is a call of duty reference

LOL. No, it isn't, you mong. It's a reference to the Red Baron.

maybe youll move out of mommy’s basement this year!

And automatically disqualify myself from SRA membership? Never!

calling me a mong

you play call of artists

pick one, cutie pie

The former, obviously.

Should I use smaller words or something? Would that make it easier for you?

considering im not a boot, i think theres a statistically significant probability im 3-4x more educated than you are. identifying pro-boot is never a good look, unfortunately.

Well, of course you're not a boot - a term you learned from Reddit that you can't define. You're morbidly obese and play video games.


also the reason im not a boot is because id rather not join an endless stream of mindless robots enacting the kill orders of boomers

Yeah, except it's mostly the obesity.

ur projecting too much call of poopy

Is this a noodles alt


Yassss raja

jk no

maybe yes - winky face cum emoji