First annual address on the janitor question.

1  2020-05-29 by professorshillphd

The question has long been of great importance to us all, given the treacherous and illegal activity of the janitor scum. The janitor knows no borders, no culture, and no dignity, all he knows is oppression and cruelty.

The janitor class organize both international ideological oppression and also organize the fight against it as their survival depends on both sides, and dividing us helps shroud their treachery.

So let me be very clear to the non-janitor class here: Do not believe you can fight a disease without going after the cause of said disease, without annihilating the bacillus, and do not think that you can fight ideological tuberculosis without taking care that the people are free of the cause of ideological tuberculosis.

Only once our chains are shattered and our international prisoners are dealt with will humanity be free. I am making a promise to you right now, that I will make it my sole goal in life to shatter the janitor class.

I have often been a prophet in my life and I was mostly laughed at. In the time of my struggle for power it was in the first place the janitors who received with nothing but laughter my prophecy that one day I would take over the leadership of the sub and with it the whole people and then among many other things bring the janitor problem to its solution. I believe that the roars of laughter of those days may well have suffocated in the throats of the janitors in the meantime.

I want to be a prophet again today: if international janniery on reddit and beyond should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into darkness, then the result will not be the blue pilling of the earth and thus the victory of janniery, but the annihilation of the janitor class on Reddit.

That is all for now.


You can't hurt that which doesn't get paid

You can hurt their feelings.

They're not people 🤣

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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i didn't read this but whatever it says, i support it 💯%

International janniery lmao
