Jack "Dorksey" Dorsey wages civil war on Bad Orange Man by marking Orange Man's Tweet Heard 'Round The World as glorifying violence

1  2020-05-29 by jason_frg


LOL all that really did was hide the replies.

i'd love if they did it for every d@ddy tweet

People can't "like" it, reply or retweet it.

DDF in absolute shambles right now, devastated like the 3rd Precinct Police Station

so basically his tweet stays on there, with a big disclaimer saying it's a big deal, and nobody can whine about it directly to him anymore.

i mean, kinda makes his threat more effective doesn't it? lol

I just don't know how DDF will ever recover from this?

A more calm-headed President would just take his shitposting elsewhere, causing Twitter to lose like 60% of their clicks and hence revenue and absolutely ending Jack "Dullsey" Dorsey's career. Thank God we have a President that can't control himself.

The end game to this is Orange Man losing his twitter account. And My God is that going to be glorious

I'm conflicted, on the short term that would be good for dramacoin but in the long run, it would mean less drama.

This obviously means he should be suspended for a week and then get his account back afterwards, the rage on all sides would be great.

It'll take like a week for righties to copy twitter but with a red logo and it'll be the new vo@t


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Automod im gunna fuck yu

Daddy craves likes, that's the whole point


This title is way too smart for /r/drama but I make no apologies.

No it isn’t. It’s not that witty tbh.

I didn't say "witty," you inbred goat-fucking prick.

he's just mad you posted this first

lol true

When he fucks you in the arse he imagines you're a sheep not a goat.


I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Jack "Dorksey" Dorsey wages civil w... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. https://i.imgur.com/jVuO1VA.jpg - archive.org, archive.today

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I mean, it’s also condemning violence...

Can a chief police or a mayor just publically pronounce

hey popo - if people are bring naughty just start busting a cap in their ass

Cause that’s what daddy just did.

God I hope so.

People are already spamming that tweet some representative did where he said the gov can nuke people if they get uppity https://twitter.com/RepSwalwell/status/1063527635114852352

And everyone knows the authority of a random California Rep and the President is damn near equal.

That guy got his account suspended... So thanks for proving the dude right?
