Twitter Tweets Back at Twūmp

1  2020-05-29 by HodorLePortePorte


I will go from apolitical dgaf to full nazee fash c0mmee socialist whatever whatever whatever if it means twatter gets killed.

They managed to go something like 12 hours from saying about Tr*mp's tweets "btw this bullshit" to "your side can't glorify violence, only our side". I get that they wanted to roll out censorship before the general election but this is an incredibly clumsy way to do it. One might even say that it is, God forbid, tone deaf.


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They absolutely do suspend leftoîds for glorifying violence - I know because they’re always who I g about it. So now the whining will be that you can only talk about shooting people if you’re already the presidént.

If you look at Minneapolis hashtags you'll see plenty of people glorifying looting and attacking cops.

Again, looting is theft, it’s vandalism. Maybe arson? It’s not violence.

The ACAB posts will get fried eventually - report them if they make you sad.

You are officially a certified dumdum

Nuh uh. Name calling won’t work Jack - you’re just mad that you can’t refute any of my true facts.

violence | ˈvī(ə)ləns | noun behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

Yeah “something” like a dog or an ancâp.

You don’t hurt a building, you dismantle it, or perhaps demolish it. You cannot kill an Autozone chief.

Or maybe you damage it. You know, like the definition says.

Negatory, buildings are immortal and immune from damage. Burning down a police station isn't violence because the police station doesn't have a soul.

Arson is a violent crime

Why is this downvoted

Rightoids just can’t assimilate to the r/drama culture.

God damn, go back to twitter you fucking crybaby lollllll


If you look at Minneapolis hashtags you'll see plenty of people glorifying looting and attacking cops.


Whomever pulled the trigger on this one might simultaneously be the stupidest and most interesting person in the world right now.

They need to be modded on /r/Drama immediately.

There has to be a deeper reason I can't believe Twitter is that incompetent

So mad hahahaha

He's been pulling this whole bait and switch for five fucking years now and people still play into it every fucking time just like clockwork

He says something either too vague or worded so that it can be interpreted either a regular way or inflammatory way, idiots run with the inflammatory interpretation and spread it far and wide, and once all eyes are on him, he clarifies what he said, and then he either jerks off over shifting the center of attention back to himself, or uses it for his own political ends.

In this case he can use it as ammo for his case for "Twitter is censoring all conservatives but especially meee"

This Tweet violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to violence, and the risk it could inspire similar actions today. We've taken action in the interest of preventing others from being inspired to commit violent acts, but have kept the Tweet on Twitter because it is important that the public still be able to see the Tweet given its relevance to ongoing matters of public importance. As is standard with this notice, engagements with the Tweet will be limited. People will be able to Retweet with Comment, but will not be able to Like, Reply or Retweet it.

Smart of them to do this in the middle of the night because he's going to lose his shit when he wakes up.


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I can't wait!

Oh boy he BIG MAD today.

Daddy SMASH bird. 🤜🐦

Lol Twitter is currently packed with users glorifying looting and attacking cops.

The problem with Twitter is that it's always picked and chose who to censor and this feeds right into the narrative.


You don't have free speech in Cañadä so you wouldn't know what it feels like to be restricted on a so-called platform. 🤷‍♂️


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The President's twitter seems like a good start. Nobody gives a fuck about the opinions of the people you're claiming to care about.

Seeeeeeeeeethe 😂🤣😂

Isn’t that tweet condemning violence?

when the looting starts the shooting starts

Looting is tárded, but it does not imply physical harm to human beings. Shooting however does 🤷🏻‍♂️

It's ok to shoot looters imo

Just add "in a video game" and now its fune

but it does not imply physical harm to human beings.

This is fundamentally a petty distinction. If you aren't willing to use force to enforse the law and property rights then its total chaos. Lets see how much harm to human beings gets committed in slums with no buisinesses

taking a flat screen from the Target

shooting a bunch of people

petty distinction

Really makes one ponder.

He’s a rightoid, the don’t have the brain power to figure out the difference

Why isn't rightoid philisophy respected?!

This just in, most people with functioning brains think its wrong to shoot and possibly kill people just because they're stealing thing. Theft is not punishable by death, r-slur

It should be tho.

😂 Just imagined Hitler using Twitter and all the outrage that would have caused.

Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

Top reply:

You're a disgrace. Resign.

I bet the late 1930s was fantastic for drama coin.

Imagine all the Ron Pearlman's saying Adi pooped himself or some dumb shit.

He'd tweet in German though, other than some disapora who'd be there to tweet back at him?

Try to enjoy the absurdity of the comment and the hint at the ultimate ineffectiveness of angry Twitter mobs without taking it absolutely literally.

True, that was kind of a r slurred comment. 2020s kind of broken my absurdity meter, everything I see seems realistic nowadays.

I know it's difficult and it's been happening a lot to me this week. I am saying ridiculous things and people are taking them seriously and I can't tell if it's me or everyone else.

I mean, did we even have dramacoin in the 1930s?

nothing will get people not to notice that tweet like putting a big, "NOBODY LOOK AT THIS sign on it

big brain move tho if only because there job is to sell clicks/pageviews and this will ultimately do that

Promoting violence should have always been the red line. Not people's feelings getting hurt.

What about all of the lies and fraudulent statements made by Adam Schiff, and so many others, on the Russian Witch Hunt Plus, Plus, Plus? What about China’s propaganda? WHO’s mistakes? No flags?



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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Rightoids so fucking big mad 😂😂🤣🤣