Central Park Karen is all kinds of psycho

1  2020-05-29 by WarSanchez


Said from the beginning she was a nut job lunatic. But oh left wing mobs have to pick on crazy people.

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Central Park Karen is all kinds of ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Wow 2020 Journalism in a nutshell. Just a struggle session fueled by white guilt and vitue signaling. Blasting out all the flaws and mistakes of a private citizen because of an awkward public interaction.

Christian Cooper, a black birdwatcher

Is this some kind of new Dnd class

Negri Avian Spotter, +5 chance to get the police called on you at anytime

+5 vision - 10 visibility

What's the powers of the white dog walker


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If all j-urnalists were actually like that I'd begin to respect them.

Wow 2020 Journalism in a nutshell

Dude. It's the NYPost. They post such stories now for over 40 years.

But their headlines are top fucking notch, and their sports section is fun too.

I can't help but feel that if she had a proper studly pitbull to fulfill her desires rather than that cucker spaniel, this could have all been avoided

The white dog-walker

VS the Black Crow-Watcher.

It's like own-brand swordshit except it's actually better.

Honestly if she hadn't called the cops, then it's just some asshole trying to be a tattle tale and shame her on social media for not following the rules in an empty park. They both suck.