/r/DebateAltRight talk about their dreams for the future

5  2020-05-29 by PM_ME_UR_RARE_PUPPER


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. /r/DebateAltRight talk about their ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy is more on point than usual

Snappy has been hitting consistent sentient home runs recently

Our jannys in their excellence made an automod vague enough to consistently be relevant while at the same time specific enough to say something of meaning. Its a perfect balance.

I hope they got paid for all their hard work 😊

Based snappy is best snappy.

Imagine thinking that m*yos are "oppressed". By Yakub, strike down these arrogant jabronis

Yakub is the bad guy dumbass

Yakub is the bad guy dumbass


Is that the religion that celebrates Kwanza?

While I dont tbink it should have been banned mde isnt nowhere near as good (or edgy) as the hype suggests

Do these retards not realize that if social media companies lose section 230 protections the companies will censor everything even the slightest bit controversial because they'd be legally responsible for that content?

I so hope this survives a court challenge so I can laugh at these morons while social media burns to the ground

Glad I'm here 2 witness the aliyah.

MDEfugees are now at the bargaining stage of grief.