How I Became a Homofascist

3  2020-05-29 by zsfh


The world is waking up !

I began to spend time only with the most masculine of men.

Yeah sweaty, I bet spending all that time with manly men really helped with your sexual attraction to men.

Pleased he's been able to reconcile his rightoid beliefs with his love for bussy in the end though.

To be honest i dont think right wing beliefs and love of bussy really need all that much effort to be reconciled.


I have met many a woman who had political ambitions - what a pity to deny them the realization of this skill, but even more a tragedy to subject them to the company of men while they do it!

Absolutely, unironically based. Femostate when?

Courtesy of /u/ Homofascism.

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bussy

We are reaching levels of basedness that shouldn't be possible

I get what he is saying, he wants to be dommed by the state.

the other, flying the banner of Neil Patrick Harris.


Weakest line in the whole thing tbh

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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Man just when I thought Reddit was a fucking write-off.

rainbow swatsika when?

Great. Can we keep wömyñ o🅱️🅱️ressed like it's Sparta and Athens?

Okay Milo


Gay 4 Hitler.

Arent we all :3

Fucker went full schizo when he started with the "sexuostate" lmao